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He’s been out with his brothers all morning and it’s not about work which worries me. He’s left men watching the place. Inside and outside. It’s all heavily guarded. I’m grateful for the comfort that brings, knowing there are people to protect me in case of trouble, but I just want him.

It’s selfish but I just want some element of normal too.

The guys all around are reminding me of the villa in Italy and Antonio. That feeling of having the place guarded because danger could come for you at any time is very unsettling.

Last night Gabe talked about the launch event for the new business venture he’s planning with his brothers. It’s tomorrow evening at the Four Seasons and the only thing that’s going to make me go to the doctor is the worry of not being able to attend.

With everything going on I feel like we need some normal in our lives. Something to ease the tension. We haven’t even been to The Dark Odyssey since Tobias stepped up his game. The escape of being at the club was something that helped me.

The day after the event is also something I’m looking forward to. It’s when I plan to tell him I’m staying with him and I want it to have the same effect as when I told him I loved him.

I just have to get myself together first before I do any of that. I feel so sick. So damn sick.

Christ, I just threw up again. That’s the fourth time since morning.

Cordelia is waiting for me outside the bathroom door. She frowns when she sees me come out looking like shit.

“I made the appointment,” she says. “He had a cancellation and can see you in twenty minutes. Get your jacket.”

She’s in full-on big sister mode and even if I wanted to protest, I’m too weak to do it.

We get to the doctor’s office escorted by the guys Gabe left with us who wait outside on look out.

When I’m called in to the see the doctor I walk into the office on shaky legs leaving Cordelia looking through a fashion magazine.

Dr. Hague looks like a good-natured woman with her round glasses and dark curly hair. I’m guessing she’s in her mid to late fifties. She smiles when she sees me and crow’s feet crinkle at the corners of her eyes.

“Hello Miss Revello, I’m told by your very concerned sister that you’ve been vomiting nonstop for days now.”

“Yeah, I think I have the same bug she had the other week.”

“Oh that dreadful bug has been going around something fierce. Now I looked over your details and I see you were in Italy.”

Ma made me sort all that stuff out a few days after I got back. She wanted me to see the doctor too but I refused. She never said as much but she wanted me to have therapy, and that was before they knew the full story of all that happened to me.

“Yes, that’s correct.” I really hope she isn’t going to ask me about Italy because I don’t want to talk about it.

“We have all your details and I know you more than likely had the misfortune of catching the bug, but I want to make sure it’s that. I’d love to run some tests if that’s okay, especially since you’re a new patient.”

“Tests?” I narrow my eyes. “How long will that take?”

“Not long. To start I’ll check your vitals and we’ll do a urine test. Based on that I’ll know how to proceed.”

“Okay.” I smile although I really don’t want to do any of it.

She starts checking my vitals and I go off to do the urine test. It’s always felt weird to me to pee in a tube. The last time I did that was back in high school when I was sick with a similar sort of thing.

I start thinking about everything again while she goes over to a counter with all sorts of bottles and various instruments. To distract myself I watch her as she looks over the strip tab she placed in the urine pot a few minutes ago.

When she looks over at me I sense something wrong and I hope like shit she isn’t going to tell me I have something more wrong with me than I thought. The last time I went to the doctor it was to see Antonio’s special team to get my pill. When it all started he made me have the injection and I had such a bad reaction to it I thought I was going to die.

“Miss Revello are you on any kind of contraception?” Dr. Hague asks.

“I’m on the pill. The daily mini one.”

She presses her lips together and looks me over. “Okay, so I don’t want to alarm you but your urine is showing up with … pregnancy hormones. The sickness you’re experiencing could be that.”

Shock flies through me in multiple waves because I never expected her to say that. “But I take it every day. At the same time,” I counter.
