Page 115 of Casualty of Devotion

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“Emma. Can you go to the car and get some towels? And call 9-1-1.” William’s voice is demanding, and Emma immediately runs off, her phone pressed to her ear.

Bryan, Darin, and Vanessa appear around us, their faces full of concern as they take in Irelynn’s pale face, blood seeping through her sweatshirt.

William studies her wound, his head lowered. Grabbing my hand, he applies pressure to it as she yelps out from the pain.

“It’s gonna hurt like a bitch, but she will be okay.” His eyes are reassuring as he looks into mine.

I nod, breathing out a sigh of relief, trying to get my emotions under control.

“Max?” She winces in pain as I press against her wound. “You didn’t get shot, right?”

An involuntary laugh comes from my lips as I shake my head, lowering my lips to her forehead. “No, beautiful. You took the bullet instead.” Tears pour down my face, onto her skin. “Why did you do that? I’m so mad at you for it.”

She stares up at me, a weak smile curling her lips up. “No, you’re not.” She licks her lips, wincing from the pain. Sucking in a breath, on the exhale, she says, “I didn’t want you to get shot again.”

“You’re fucking worried about me getting shot?” Shaking my head, an incredulous sigh falls from my lips. “What am I going to do with you?”

Irelynn lets out a short laugh. “Hopefully, you’ll marry me. I think taking a bullet means I’m wife material.”

Everyone around her chuckles, including me.

“Babe, you were wife material long before you took a bullet for me.” I lower my lips to her ears. “And yes, I’m going to marry you.”

Despite her pain, her eyes glow with happiness, her face radiant from my words.

“She’s going to be fine.” William’s voice is gruff. We lock eyes and he says, “The two of you make me believe in happily ever after.”

My heart warms from his words and the look on his face. We exchange a silent look and William pats my shoulder.

“Hey, Will. Thanks for saving me and Max.” Irelynn stares at him, the look on her face completely different from the way she looks at me. She looks at him like he’s a good friend, almost like her big brother.

But she looks at me like I’m as necessary to her as the air she breathes. Her soulmate.

He reaches over and pats her leg. “Of course.” He pauses for a few minutes, staring at her. “I heard you defending me to my father and half-brother.” He lowers his head, overcome with emotion.

After a few beats, he raises it, his eyes shining with moisture. “Thank you. That means more than you know.”

His gaze moves to mine and he gives me a teasing grin. “I’m with Max, though. I’m mad at you, too. You shouldn’t have jumped in front of him like that and gotten shot.”

A small smile tugs at my lips as I study him. Gone is the arrogant smirk he used to perpetually wear. In its place is a genuine smile as he breaks eye contact with me, his gaze moving to her.

“No, you’re not. And I’d do it again in a heartbeat, so stop giving me shit about it.” She shifts slightly, trying to get comfortable.

I hug her tighter, trying to warm her in this chilly warehouse. “So sassy.” My lips are against her cheek as I whisper, “I love you, beautiful. I’m so fucking sorry he shot you.” I glare at Gregory, who still lies motionless on the floor.

Emma hurries over, towels and a blanket in hand. She hands the towels to me, then she and William help me tuck the blanket around Irelynn.

“Hey, what about us? Don’t we deserve blankets?” Darin jokes, his voice weak.

Lifting my head, a smile crosses my face. “Vanessa does. The jury’s still out on you.”

We all chuckle as Darin pretends to look offended. He’s leaning most of his weight on Bryan, and some on Vanessa. He’s definitely hurting more than he’s letting on.

William pats Irelynn’s leg. “The ambulance is on the way. We’ll get you patched up soon.” He puts a hand on my shoulder. “I need to talk to Bryan for a few minutes. Let me know if you need anything, Max.” He gives me a warm smile, then stands.

“Thank you, Will.”

Our attention is diverted as Damian begins screaming and swearing, his eyes on Gregory, who slowly sits up, a dazed expression on his face. Damian’s face is mottled with rage as he narrows his eyes. “You son of a bitch. You didn’t change your will and leave me the business, did you asshole?”
