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“How about we get in the hot tub?” Desire flames in her eyes as she grabs the hem of my shirt, biting her lip as she tugs it over my torso. Grinning, I help her get it off, then grab her shirt. Our lips crash together as the passion surges and we are all hands and mouths, as we pause only to rip off our clothes until we are naked in the moonlight.

I uncover the hot tub and help her in and then—

“Okay, Max. You are good to go.” Nancy pats my hand, her voice and touch cutting into my memory, abruptly pulling me out of the beautiful reverie I was lost in. “I’ll be right back with your pain meds.”

Darin comes out, his hair wet from the shower, his muscular figure clad in clean clothing, a relieved smile on his face when he sees I’m still lying in the bed.

I raise my brows at him. “I didn’t go anywhere, asshole.” Rolling my eyes, I shake my head. “You look much better. Have you spent the last two days wearing those bloody, torn, rumpled clothes?”

He grins. “I was worried about you, jackass, and didn’t leave your room. So yeah, I did.” Leaning over, he brushes Vanessa’s lips with his and whispers something in her ear that makes her giggle.

“How about I get the two of you some coffee?” Vanessa stands, intent on the task, whether we want it or not. Of course, I’d never turn down coffee.

“Sure. Thanks.” I give her a grin, suspecting she is going on a coffee run so Darin and I can talk.

“Absolutely, babe.” Darin pulls out his wallet, handing her some cash. “I appreciate it.”

“Happy to. Not gonna lie, I’m in desperate need of some caffeine.” She throws a wave as she heads out the door, shutting it behind her.

We wait a few beats and then Darin says, “I know you want out of here, and I promise that as soon as the doctor says you can go, we’ll leave.” He pauses. “Irelynn’s parents are on their way. I didn’t have their phone number and Irelynn’s phone was still inside your Jeep. Vanessa had to go back and get it.” He pulls it from his pocket, handing it to me.

I wrap my hands around it, staring at the picture of us on her lock screen, my heart twisting and contorting like it’s inside the spin cycle of a washing machine.

Closing my eyes, I press her phone against my chest, my only link to her.

Darin’s voice causes me to open my eyes. “When Irelynn’s parents were in Heritage Hills, Jack left Rosalyn at the hospital to be with her parents, and he went to Gregory Anderson’s mansion.”

“And?” My hand grips her phone tighter.

He releases a long sigh. “Jack was pissed. Gregory wasn’t at all helpful. He told Jack that he’s been ill and only sees William occasionally, but they simply talk about business and then he leaves. He didn’t seem that surprised, nor worried when Jack said he’s certain William took Irelynn.”

Shaking my head, rage fills my body. “And that’s it? He didn’t offer to assist in any way?”

Darin shakes his head.

My hands curl into fists. “He’s a fucking asshole. What parent wouldn’t be concerned and helpful when their son is accused of kidnapping someone?”

Darin shrugs. “One who doesn’t give a fuck.”

“Clearly.” For a brief moment, a twinge of pity goes through me for William. My parents were callous assholes, but if I’d ever kidnapped anyone, they’d definitely be concerned. Although more so for how it would affect their reputation. But still… “I assume Vanessa has been checking on my phone to see if there’s been any activity?”

Darin nods. “Yup, regularly. It seems risky to throw it out, so we think William has it in his possession. Which would be great if Irelynn can somehow get her hands on it.”

Worry slices my gut, making me bend forward, holding my stomach. “Irelynn actually has a bigger problem than William.” I pause, picturing his smug face in my mind, his words burned into my brain. “Damian threatened to…” My lungs constrict, and tears of helplessness are in my eyes. “He threatened to rape Irelynn before he ran. His exact words were: ‘And even though you’ll be dead, you’ll die with the knowledge that I’m going to fuck her so hard she screams from the pain’. And I’m certain he’d try it. The look on his face…” I cover my face with my hands, still holding onto her phone as I do.

“What? I don’t understand what Damian has to do with all of this. How is he involved?”

Swallowing hard, I lower my hands, my eyes brimming with tears. “He’s William’s half-brother. He showed up at William’s warehouse with a gun.” I pause, watching Darin’s face go pale, his mouth dropping open. “He’s the one who shot me and blew up the warehouse. William sells drugs out of there, and Damian wants revenge. They used to be friends as kids, but then William overheard his mom and dad arguing. Damian’s mom was one of their servants, and she ended up getting pregnant by William’s father.”

Darin nods. “Ahh. And let me guess—William started treating him differently and now he wants to hurt him?”

“You got it. He said Gregory is sick with cancer, so I suspect he’s hoping to out villain the villain so he can inherit everything.” I shake my head. “He wanted to kill me in William’s warehouse so Irelynn would blame him for my death, ruining any chance William might have with her.” My voice quivers over those last few words, bile rising in my throat.

“Don’t, Max.” Darin’s hand grips my shoulder, drawing my attention to his face. “Irelynn loves you. She’d never fall for William.”

I lean my head back into the pillows, staring at the white ceiling. “I know that… and yet, there’s a small part that has doubts… especially since she’s his captive.”

Darin’s head shakes rapidly. “No way. You guys have that once-in-a-lifetime kind of love. I’ve seen the way she looks at you, cherishes you, loves you. You’re it for her, Max.”
