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Melissa and her band of rude bitches were strategic about when they pulled their awful stunts, never doing it in front of Mike, or especially William. And I kept the incidents to myself, terrified their behavior would only worsen if I told on her.

I ignored the way William’s brows furrowed, and anger colored his face a bright red when he stared at my scraped knees or hands, or the stains that remained from hasty attempts to clean up the spilled food or beverages on my school uniform.

The second week of classes, William pulled me aside, asking me if anyone had been bothering me. I spotted Melissa glaring daggers at me from her locker. Swallowing hard, my gaze met hers, then I looked at him, forcing a big smile on my face.

“No, I’m just clumsy.” I shifted my backpack higher on my shoulders. “My mom didn’t name me Grace for a reason.” My voice is overly cheerful as I take in his raised brows, his lips pulled into a frown.

I knew he didn’t believe me, but he refrained from questioning me further when Mike walked over to us, teasing me about being so messy. My composure nearly crumpled, but I managed to hang onto it by a thread.

When I met William’s gaze again, I could tell he was pissed. His nostrils flared and his blue eyes were cold, but he didn’t say anything.

The following day, Mike was at home because he was ill, and I hadn’t seen William all morning, assuming he decided to skip. His attendance was never regular, and he pretty much showed up when he pleased. He could do that and get away with it. The perks of being an untouchable king of the school.

That morning, the students were particularly vicious toward me since neither Mike nor William were around. Even Terryn kept her distance from me, knowing she’d be in the crossfire if she associated with me.

I didn’t blame her, but it still hurt.

By lunchtime, my head pounds. I can barely hold back the tears, and I have several new bruises and scrapes from being thrown against the lockers and tripped, sending me unceremoniously falling onto my hands and knees while my bookbag was kicked down the hallway.

I am starving, but I’m at my breaking point, unable to take any more of this shit, so I decide to grab a piece of fruit and a bottle of water and bail, eating it in the safety of the library. I don’t think Melissa realizes the school even has one of those.

Shoving my change in my pocket after paying for my food, I walk away from the register. I’ve barely made it five steps when I run right into the queen bitch herself.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t little Prissy Princess. All alone today. No big, strong guys to protect you.” She bats her lashes, her eyes glittering with hatred, her malicious smirk turning my stomach. “Your poor, pathetic ass doesn’t belong here with the rest of us, so why don’t you just go back to public school?” She hisses like a snake, her hands shaking from her rage. “William only wants you because he knows you’re a virgin. Once he pops your cherry, he’ll discard you like last week’s trash.”

Before I can blink, she lifts her bottle of chocolate milk, dumping it all over me.

I gasp in horror as the milk soaks my uniform, staining my white shirt, drenching my jacket and skirt. The banana and bottle of water slip from my hands, crashing to the floor. Tears fill my eyes and I can barely see when they begin to spill down my cheeks as she cackles with laughter—and so does the rest of the room.

I’m mortified, wishing an earthquake would crack open the floor and swallow me whole.

From out of nowhere, William appears in front of me, his face molted from his rage, pouring from his body like a volcanic eruption. He steps between us, standing protectively in front of me.

His voice roars out of him, exploding through the room. “What the fuck do you think you are doing? You have some fucking nerve, pulling this bullshit.”

“W-W-William. I-I didn’t know you were h-h-here.” Melissa’s face turns as white as a sheet.

“Did you just develop that stutter now, or is it from all the times you stick your finger down your throat so your ass doesn’t get as big as your mother’s?”

A loud gasp comes from her lips, her hands flying over her mouth. Her eyes huge, as a scarlet flush covers her face, matching her hair.

A hush descends over the room.

Like a wave, laughter begins, first, as a low murmur, then it gains momentum and grows progressively louder as the other students stop what they are doing, their attention focused on what is taking place in the middle of the lunchroom. Some students point at her, their bodies shaking from their amusement.

“Or maybe it’s from all the times you sucked Mr. Brown’s cock to earn a passing grade so you didn’t get kicked off the cheerleading squad?” He crosses his arms, glowering over her, commanding the room.

Tears start coursing down her cheeks. I almost feel bad for her, but then I glance down at the milk dripping from my uniform onto the floor, and anger surges through me.

A sense of gratitude fills me. William is the only one who could possibly humiliate the queen bee of Anderson Academy.

William pauses, turning to me and handing me a stack of napkins that one of his minions carried over. His eyes soften as he says, “Just pat down your clothing for now. We’ll take care of this in a minute.”

He whips back around, facing Melissa again, his fury palpable as he puts the final nail of humiliation in her coffin. “Or maybe it was when you choked on my dick because you didn’t have money for the cocaine you so desperately need?”

“William, please…” she sobs, her hands grabbing his arms.

He shrugs her off, pushing her away roughly, his disgusted snort floating through the room. “That’s what you said after I finally pulled my cock from your throat, letting you take a breath.”
