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As I start up the stairs, I’m aware of his nearness in this small space, the scent of his expensive cologne flowing through me, calming my nerves. At one time, that scent caused terror to spiral through my stomach and flow up my spine, tightening every muscle along my vertebra.

My hand glides along the banister as my light footsteps lead me closer to the top, my heart hammering in my chest from nervousness and excitement.

Once I’ve reached the top, I step onto the landing, my gaze flowing around the small room I’m now standing in, taking everything in. William’s presence is even closer as he stops behind me, and when I meet his gaze, his eyes are full of childish wonder as he takes in my reaction.

“Is this what you wanted to show me?”

He chuckles, shaking his head. “Come on, Irelynn. This isn’t anything worth seeing.” Putting his hands on my shoulders, he steers me toward a glass door I hadn’t noticed yet.

Lowering his hand from my shoulder, he grasps the handle and pulls, giving me my first taste of the outdoors in a week.

My eyes are wide with wonder as I step forward to stand in the doorway, a balcony in front of me. It’s large enough to hold two cushioned chairs and a small table.

Tentatively, I step outside, my shoulders laced with tension as I wait for William to yank me back inside.

But nothing happens.

My hand slides over the back of the chair as I continue moving forward, my fingers leaving it as I reach the metal railing.

Inhaling deeply, I close my eyes, turning my face to the morning sun. I’m completely still, cherishing the fresh air, basking in this simple moment.

Although my eyes are still closed, I feel William’s presence beside me, but I keep my eyes closed, indulging in the sensory overload. Tears prickle behind my lids from this beautiful, simple moment.

When I open my eyes, William is staring at me intently, a bemused smile on his face. I instantly become defensive, my shoulders tensing as I wrap my fingers tightly around the balcony railing.

“What?” My tone is clipped and I raise one brow, challenging him.

“Calm down, blondie.” William’s tone is light and airy as he lightly bumps me with his shoulder. “I was just enjoying watching you. You take such pleasure in the smallest of things.” His eyes are soft, emphasizing the truthfulness of his words.

My taut muscles relax and I give him a small smile. “I thought you were going to make fun of me. Sorry I got defensive.”

The smile dies from his face, his brows furrowing. “Irelynn, I wouldn’t do that to you. Not after… everything.”

He heaves in a breath, turning his head away from mine, his gaze locked on the woods surrounding us. His hands grip the railing beside me and as I study his profile, my hand covers his. His gaze drops to it, then moves to mine.

“When I was showering this morning, the scent of the shampoo reminded me of Melissa Vanhorn in high school.” I pause, my chest hitching.

“Oh fuck. Do you want me to throw it out and get you another brand?” William’s face is twisted with horror and disgust, and I can’t help laughing.

“No, I don’t. I like the smell and it made my hair feel amazing.” I grab the end of my ponytail, my hair feeling like silk. “That’s not why I brought her up.”

I swallow hard, my mind flashing back to that moment in the cafeteria of Anderson Academy. “I was remembering the chocolate milk incident.”

His eyes lock on mine and we stare at one another. I can see the memories flowing through his mind as his eyes darken and then lighten.

Pulling his hand from beneath mine, he interlocks our fingers, squeezing gently. “I’ve never been more furious in my life than the moment I walked into the cafeteria and witnessed her pouring her chocolate milk over you.” He swallows hard. “I know how it feels to be in that position. I recognized what you were going through… because it happened to me.”

Nodding, I let out a long breath, the painful memory still making me flinch. Knowing he experienced bullying makes me hurt more. “I suspected as much when you told me not to run away in the bathroom. I was so close to giving up.”

“I know. I could see the frustration and fear all over you. But running away doesn’t solve it. And I knew I had the power to stop it, and I damn well did.” His jaw clenches, becoming angry as he remembers all that transpired.

“Thank you for whatever it was you did. Most people don’t have the king of the school standing up for them and they go through pure hell. I was lucky that I did.”

“You’re welcome.” He grins. “King of the school. I remember that nickname.” He shakes his head, a long sigh coming from his lips. “Such a contrast to my boarding school days when I was the school wimp.”

Turning to face him, I lean my arm against the railing. “What was it like? Your childhood?”

He faces me, his expression pained. “Oh, Irelynn… I’m not sure you want to hear this.”
