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William winks before they disappear down the hallway.

I hear a series of beeps in the distance as they head out.

“It’s just them setting the alarm, dear. Everything is fine.” Emma gives me a reassuring smile.

I nod, but for some reason, I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. “I hope you are right,” I whisper softly.

An hour later, I’m lying on the bed, absorbed in a book, when I hear a loud noise.What the hell was that?

Lowering the book, I sit up, my ears straining. Then I hear another noise, this one sounding like it’s closer to the bedroom I’m in.

“Emma?” I call as I get up. But she doesn’t answer.

Fear churns inside my gut as I slowly walk across the room, pressing my ear against the door.

Suddenly, Emma screams. My door is unlocked, so I rip it open, dashing toward the sound coming from a few rooms down from mine.

When I stop in the doorway, my eyes lock with a monster.

Damian stares at me, a malicious grin on his face. There is depravity in his eyes as he stands, slowly advancing toward me. I can’t pull my eyes away from his sinful smile.

“Well, well, well. Hello there, Irelynn.” There is something in his hands, but the room is dark. I quickly scan the space, looking for Emma, but I don’t see her.

I slowly backing away as he comes closer. “Damian. What are you doing here?” My voice shakes as my breaths rasp in and out of my lungs. My body tremors as I continue moving backward.

Before he can answer, I whirl on my heels, sprinting for the door to the bedroom I’ve been staying in. Rushing inside, I try to slam the door shut, but he’s already there, shoving it open with such force that I fly across the room, falling on my ass.

Using my hands and feet, I continue to move away from him until my back hits the nightstand.

“Damian, it isn’t a good idea for you to be here.” My lips and chin tremble from my terror as his smile widens.

“Oh, Irelynn. That’s where you are wrong. It’s the perfect time for me to be here.” He stops in front of me and I crane my neck, looking up at him. “William and Bryan are gone. I sent them on a nice little mission. By the time they return, well, let’s just say, it will be too late.”

I swallow hard, fear making my spine coil.

Keep him talking. Buy some time.

“What do you plan to do?” My mouth is so dry my voice is barely above a whisper, but he hears me.

“Oh, I have big plans for you, Irelynn. You see, William is very soft around you. Even dropping his guard, which he never does. So that tells me you are important to him.” He paces back and forth. My eyes are locked on the rope dangling from his hand.

Is he planning on strangling me with that?

He sees me looking at the rope and a malicious sneer curls his lips. “Ah, yes. The rope. I plan on tying you up, stripping you naked, and doing all kinds of very painful things to you.” He grins wickedly. “Plus, I’ll kill two birds with one stone. Since that fucking Max Devlin didn’t die, he’s likely in his hospital bed right now, worried sick that I’ve made good on my promise to fuck you so hard you scream.”

My eyes widen. Beneath the terror, anger simmers inside my veins. “You tried to kill Max.” I stare daggers at him, but he simply laughs it off.

“Such a pity I didn’t succeed. I was trying to make it look like William did it, but he fucked up my plans that night. No worries though. Once I eliminate you and William, I’ll take care of Max.”

My anger has rendered me incapable of rational thought right now. As he paces, I jump to my feet, grabbing the lamp. I swing it at him, but he reacts quickly and moves, causing me to miss him. He lunges for it, but I sidestep him. Swinging quickly, I hit him with the lamp, but it collides with his shoulder.

Damian grabs it and I let go, running for the door. But he’s too fast, slamming the door closed and throwing the lamp down. He pushes me against it, caging me in. His hard cock presses against me as his ragged breathing sounds in my ear. “You’re gonna pay for that, bitch.”

Tears fill my eyes as he grabs me by the hair, yanking me away from the door. He shoves me across the room, then roughly throws me onto the bed. I scramble to get up, but he jumps on top of me, straddling my legs. I slap at him, and he grabs my wrist, fury all over his face. His eyes glitter with malice before he smacks me hard across the face.

My eyes water as he pins my arms and legs with his body.

“I didn’t expect you to be this feisty, but I like it.” His heavy, excited breaths hit my face, making me turn my head away. That, and the terrifyingly crazy look in his eyes. “No wonder William likes you so much.”
