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Handing her the note, I take both her hands in mine, staring into her fearful brown eyes. “Baby, if you can ever forgive him and want to be his friend, I won’t stand in the way. I don’t trust him yet, and it’s going to take me quite a while to do so. But I saw your face, and after reading his words, something changed between the two of you.”

“It’s not what you think, Max. We aren’t—”

I hold up my hand to stop her and press my finger against her lips. “I know you don’t love him. William even acknowledged you don’t in his note.” I step closer, my eyes shining with conviction. “You love me. It’s all over your face, in your smile and eyes. The way your body movements mimic mine. I’ve no doubts at all that I’m the only man in your heart.”

Her smile is full of softness and gratitude as she nods. “You are exactly right. It’s only you, Max. Since the day I met you.”

My smile widens. I used to think of that day in horror, but now, it’s the best day of my life, because I met her.

“If you can work through this and want to be his friend, I’d never stand in the way of that. Just please, promise me that I’ll be around the two of you until I can make sure he has nothing nefarious planned.”

Her nod is immediate. She straightens her head, amazement all over her face. “How did I ever get so lucky to meet such a wonderful man like you?” She shakes her head. “You always go above and beyond for me.”

Moving closer, I cup her other cheek with my hand so that I’m cradling her beautiful face in both of my hands. “I love you, gorgeous. I’d do anything for you.”

“I love you, Max. With all of me.”

My hands slide into the fall of her hair as our lips collide in a passionate kiss, sealing our love and promises to one another. Losing myself in her, I forget the world exists, until finally, she slowly pulls back, her eyes dazed.

“I really hate to end this, but Darin and my parents will be getting worried.”

“Yes, you’re right. We should go.” Giving her hand a gentle squeeze, we move toward the door. I pull it open for her, and she steps through. Her gaze moves to Darin, who stands outside the bathroom, his forehead creased with worry.

“It’s about time. I was getting worried.”

Irelynn and I exchange a glance. “Sorry, Darin, I was talking to Max about some things. I didn’t mean to worry you.”

His tense posture relaxes. “That’s fine. I just wanted to make sure you guys were okay. I was about ready to knock and check on you.”

She squeezes my hand, her gaze going to mine. “We’re good, Darin.”

I squeeze her hand in return. “We’re better than good.”

My gaze slides to Darin and he nods. “Well, kids, let’s roll.”

As we help him carry the coffee and donuts to his Jeep, I tilt my head to the sky, gratitude filling my chest. Exhaling, my head lowers to see Irelynn doing the same thing.

No matter what comes our way, we’ll face it together.

This is our new beginning.

Chapter twenty-four



I should be exhausted after this very long, emotional day, and yet, I’m not. The love I’m feeling for the man holding me in his arms, and my friends and family that surround us, has only energized me.

When we arrived at Darin’s house, my parents sobbed and hugged me as hard as they could. As much as I ached for their tears, it was heartwarming when my dad threw his arms around Max, squeezing him tightly. I overheard my dad saying, “I told you that you’d be the one to find her.”

Max’s blue eyes glowed from his compliment, his gaze locking on mine. “Always,” I heard him whisper.

As soon as my dad stepped away from him, my mom launched herself at him, hugging him tightly. She thanked him, over and over, before finally letting him go. Poor Max was blushing so hard, he looked like he wished he could run from the room and hide somewhere. I was already moving closer to him, so the second my mom stepped away, I wrapped a comforting arm around him.

We drank coffee and chatted, but we kept the conversation on safer topics. I told them that William was the one who captured me, but said it was complicated and I was still processing everything. Max squeezed my thigh supportively, kissing my cheek. I linked my arm through his, leaning my head on his shoulder. No one pressed the issue, but I’m sure they will want to know all the details in time.

Vanessa came barreling through the door a couple of hours later, throwing herself at me and knocking me backward on the couch. Laughing, I teased her about joining the football team since she obviously has great tackling skills, which caused her to grab my boobs and joke that she only liked tackling me—and Darin.
