Page 37 of Tremors of Desire

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The cashier bags the books and I ask for a separate bag for the bear. He hands it to me, and I hand the bag to her, leaning toward her ear. “Don’t argue. I bought this for you.” Pulling back, I relish the slow smile that pulls her lips up as she gazes at the bear inside the bag.

Her eyes lift to mine, resembling melted chocolate as she blinks at me in surprise. “Thank you, Max.”

“You’re welcome, beautiful.” Grabbing her hand, I wrap my fingers around hers, then grab my bags in my other hand, thanking the salesclerk. He gives me a knowing grin as he looks from Irelynn to me, and I read his facial expression.He thinks she’s my girl.

As we walk out of the store, Irelynn glances up at me. “At least you’re letting me carry a bag.”

I chuckle. “It’s a gift.” I shrug. “Plus, I figured you’d fight me if I tried to carry it.”

“You’re damn right I would.” She giggles, giving me a wink. And Jesus, that simple movement makes my dick twitch in my jeans.

“How about we head to my apartment after the coffee shop? I could use a shower.” I glance down at her, then subtly look around, ensuring William isn’t nearby.

“That sounds like a plan.” She grins as I hold the door of the coffee shop for her, thanking me as she walks by me.

“You don’t need to thank me,” I say as I step inside behind her.

She grins at me. “You should always choose a lady who thanks you for opening the door for her. If she doesn’t, then she’s not good enough for you.”

Well, I’ll be damned. A smile explodes on my face, and I shake my head, brows raised. “Impressive. Turning my words around on me.”

Her grin widens. “Thank you. I’ve gotta keep you on your toes.”

The words fly out of my mouth before I can stop them. “Trust me, you do.”

We join the long line of patrons waiting to order, and I shake my head as she gives me a smug grin.

After ordering, I walk with her to a table, setting my bags of books down beside my chair, then head to the pick up counter to get our coffees and croissants. My eyes scan the area, ensuring William isn’t around.

As I head back to our table with our food and drinks, a grin stretches over my face. Irelynn is holding the bear I bought for her.

Sliding into the seat across from her, my eyes sparkle at her.

She puts the bear in the bag, then props her head in her hand. “Thanks for gift.”

“Technically, it isn’t. I used the gift card you bought me, so you paid for it.” I push her coffee over to her, opening her straw and sticking it through the lid. “But I remedied that situation.”

Her brows draw in as she wraps her hand around the cup, lifting it to her lips and taking a sip without breaking eye contact. Setting it down, she says, “Hmm… you did something, didn’t you?”

I smile, lifting my coffee to my lips. “Maybe,” I drawl, taking a sip.

She leans back, her hands going inside the pockets her jean jacket she put on before we left. Confusion washes over her features as she pulls cash from one of her pockets. Cocking an eyebrow at me, she says, “I wonder how this got in there?”

“Hmm… must be magic.” I sit back in my seat, rapping my knuckles against the table. “Maybe money grows inside the pockets of your jacket?”

“Ha-ha, smart ass. Very funny.” She smiles as she studies me, head cocked. “When did you slip the money inside my pocket?”

I shrug. “One of life’s mysteries, I suppose.”

She shakes her head, laughing. “Max, you didn’t have—”

Leaning forward, I put my finger on her lips. “Don’t argue. I wanted to buy you the bear, but didn’t want to waste time by doing two transactions. So, I slipped the cash inside your pocket. Problem solved.”

“Problem solved,” she mimics, and I nearly spit out my coffee, laughing. She giggles at me, her eyes shining happily. “You are really special, Max. I’ve never met anyone like you.”

My heart slams inside my chest, the smile dying from my face. For a minute, her words circulate inside my head, and I mull them over, debating what my reaction means.

After a beat, I lean forward, clasping her hands in mine. “You are incredible, Irelynn. I never imagined meeting anyone as wonderful as you.”
