Page 61 of Tremors of Desire

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Groaning, my lips go to the shell of her ear, kissing gently. Goosebumps flare on her skin as I say, “Keep it up and I’ll be doing more than tickling you.” My lips suck on her neck gently, before pulling away slightly.

She’s deeply affected by my words and actions, her lips parting, and her skin flushing. If I had to guess, her panties are soaked. And fuck, I shouldn’t be thinking about that because I really want to find out, which isnotmaking my dick soften, but having the opposite effect.

She grins at me, a devilish twinkle in her eyes. “Don’t worry. I’ll stick close. I wouldn’t want anyone else but me to see the massive erection you have in your pants.”

Fuck. She’s killing me. And if she keeps talking like this, she might see it sooner than she thinks.

Scraping a hand through my hair, I stare out the window, trying to distract myself.

As we move to place our order, Irelynn keeps herself pressed against me, turning with a friendly smile to place her order.

“I’m paying,” Irelynn tells the cashier, then looks at me over her shoulder.

I raise my brows. “Do you want me to tickle you?”

She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. Looking at the cashier, she sighs. “Never mind. He’s paying.”

I chuckle, my hand tightening on her waist. “Good girl,” I tease, knowing it will irritate her.

Irelynn shakes her head at the cashier. “He’s always buying. It’s a struggle for him to let me pay for anything.”

“Sounds like he’s a real gentleman.” The cashier winks at me and I stifle my smile as Irelynn’s shoulders immediately tense. But the cashier is oblivious as she continues, “They’re a rarity these days.”

“Yes, he is.” Irelynn glues herself against me, smiling at me over her shoulder. “I’m lucky to have met him.” She lightly kisses my jawline, and my grin widens.

“I’m the lucky one,” I say, my arm locking around Irelynn’s waist as I hand my card to the cashier.

Irelynn’s jealousy is so fucking cute.

The cashier looks disappointed, but I’m more concerned with Irelynn’s reaction.

I know Irelynn and I still have a lot to learn about one another, but I’m a one-woman man and she has nothing to worry about. The only woman I’m interested in is the one melded against my body, staking her claim over me in the coffee shop. It’s endearing that she’s jealous.

As we walk to the pick-up counter for our coffees, I cross my arms over my chest, grinning at her.

“What’s that look about?” She raises her eyebrows, her hip against the counter.

“That was cute.” I nod my head back to the counter where we ordered our drinks.

“What was?” She raises her brows.

“Your jealousy,” I smirk at her.

“I’mnotjealous.” She crosses her arms over her chest.

“Yes, you were, baby.” My smirk widens.

“Whatever.” She snatches her coffee from my hand, unwrapping her straw and jamming it in harder than necessary.

As I follow her to an empty table, I shake my head, chuckling. I don’t know why she can’t admit that she is jealous.

Sliding into the seat across from her, I raise my brows, watching her. “You are adorable when you are angry. And also when you are jealous.” I chuckle as smoke practically flies from her ears.

“I wasnotjealous.” She takes a long sip of her coffee, not meeting my gaze.

“You are a terrible liar. I appreciate that quality in a person.” Sitting back against my chair, I regard her thoughtfully.

I wonder why it bothers her so much? She was clearly jealous and acted possessive toward me. Not that I minded in the slightest.
