Page 12 of Naughty List

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I get off my bike and walk to the entrance she’ll be coming out of and sit on the bench to wait. We’re going to see Zeus. She just doesn’t know it yet. I open my browser and book two tickets for a flight that leaves tonight. Fuck this place.

Sunny pushes open the door, and she has a few bandages on her arms. I see red again.

“I knew you were hurt more than you let on.”

“They cleaned my cuts and had to bandage them. I promise it looks a lot worse than what it is.”

“Bullshit.” I put my arm around her waist and walk her to my bike, and she doesn’t say anything. “Are you going to be okay on my bike?”

“Yes, Ice. I’ll be fine.”

I get on, and she gets on behind me, situating herself and her bag before wrapping her arms around me and laying her head on my back. I don’t waste any time getting us out of the parking lot and away from the hospital.

“Are you hungry?” I ask at a stoplight.

“Yes, but I can get something at home because I just want to get there and shower.”

I nod and get her home. We walk into her place, and before the door is shut behind me, Sunny is stripping out of her clothes as she walks through the living room and into her bedroom. A few minutes later, I hear the shower turn on, and I go to the kitchen to see what she has in there to cook.

I open the fridge, and there isn’t much in there. I go to the cabinets, and they are full of healthy shit. Fuck that. I pull out my phone and order from the diner on the corner and pay them extra to bring it to Sunny’s.

Twenty minutes, hamburgers and fries are delivered along with a large root beer. Sunny comes out of the bedroom.

“Was someone here?”

“Yeah. I had food delivered.”

“I had food here to cook.” She looks at me, slightly disappointed.

“Bird food. I got you a hamburger.”

“Thank you.” She smiles as I hand her a Styrofoam container.

We sit on the couch, and I place the container with fries on the table because I know Sunny will want some. Sunny turns on the TV, and we eat in silence.

She gets up to clean up, and her phone rings. She looks through her bag and finds it.

“It’s Marjorie.” She answers it, and as she listens to what Marjorie is saying, her shoulders slump. “Okay. I’ll see you next week, I guess.” She hangs up.

Sunny walks over to the couch and sits down, curling her legs underneath her. “She told me I need to take a few days off to rest and recoup.”

“Good.” I place my arm around her shoulders and pull her into me.

“She also said they’re upping security at the hospital, and her boss wants me to take some time away from the hospital to see if things calm down.”

“It’s a good idea. I think we should get out of town for a few days.”

“I’m only going to take a day off, so we don’t have time to go anywhere.”

“No, Sunny. You need to take more than a day off. You take the days off they are giving you, plus the days you already have off. You’ve worked a lot, and this shit on top of the normal stress from work . . . you need a break.”

“Where would we go?”

“We’re going to visit my brother in Birmingham.” I smile because I know she will get a kick out of seeing Zeus.

“I can’t because of my cat.”

“It’s a cat, it’ll be fine, and I can get Troy to check on it.” She is trying to find something where she can stay here and go back to work. She doesn’t like not being in control of shit.

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