Page 14 of Only For Him

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Vic:Hey, boss, do you mind if I have a plus one today?

Bossman:A date?

He snorted. As if he would do that. Sure, it might make Addison jealous, but there were two things wrong with that.

First, it was a dick move. You don’t spend the night making love to one woman, demand her submission, then bring another woman to her father’s house the next day. Second, Addison might just stab any woman he brought in. Vic didn’t fool himself. It wasn’t fighting for her man. It would be more about her pride than anything else.

Vic:No. My business partner Justin.

Bossman:We have plenty. Bring him along.


“You’re in.”

Justin smacked his hands together. “Hot damn. Ham and I get to meet this woman who is tugging you along by your dick.”

“Get bent.”

Justin laughed. “Oh, she really got under your skin.”

“There are two rules,” Vic said as he rose out of his chair.

“And those would be?” The shit-eating grin Justin was giving Vic told him his best friend was enjoying this a little too much.

“You don’t mention last night. Addison is extremely private.”

“Of course. I would never say anything in front of her dad.”

Which told Vic that Justin might do it if her father wasn’t there.

“Second, you don’t even think of touching her.”

“Can I shake her hand? It will be rude not to if she offers it.”

“Fuck you.”

“You’re not my type.”

Vic rolled his eyes as they made their way to his front door.

“And since you’re being an ass, you get to drive.”

Justin just laughed and followed him out the door. Today was going to test his nerves, he was sure of it.


Alead ball of dread filled Addy’s stomach as she parked in the driveway in front of her father’s house. This time of year wasn’t for celebrating in their house. It wasn’t that they were morbid, but things didn’t sparkle as much as they did when her mother was still alive. Shaking off those feelings, she walked into her father’s house through the mudroom off the garage. She ran into a very tall, solid piece of muscle. Whoever it was, he grabbed her arms to keep her from stumbling back. She looked up—a long way up—and had to blink at the beautiful man. Blue eyes, long blonde hair, and all that muscle…damn.

“Sorry, sweetheart,” he said, his voice threaded with Texas. “You must be Addy.”

She blinked again. “Uh, yeah. And you would be?”

“Dead if he doesn’t remove his hands from you,” Vic said from behind the man. He hadn’t raised his voice, but that didn’t make the threat any less deadly.

The man in question winked. “So rude, my partner.”

Then it hit her who he was.Capital Punishmentwas a partnership, and one of them was the face of the club.
