Page 4 of Only For Him

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He hesitated and then pulled back, but only a little bit. “Fair enough.”

And for some reason, it made her sad that he listened to her. Why? Probably because she was an idiot.


She blinked.


“I think we can get out of here without too much trouble.”

“I have to say goodbye to my father.”

He nodded. “I’ll get my car. Meet you out front.”

He gave her waist one last squeeze and then let her go. She watched as he walked through the crowd of the powerbrokers of the DC elite. People instinctively moved out of his way. It wasn’t something a person saw a lot of in DC. Most people would want to establish their Dominance, but when faced with Vic, some of the most influential people in the country deferred to him.

“I take it you’re leaving.”

She hadn’t heard her father approach. What was it with the men in her life sneaking up on her? Wait, Vic isn’t a man in her life. Right?

She pushed those thoughts aside and glanced at her father. He was still an attractive man. Tall, a full head of dark hair with a few threads of silver and considered a catch…but he said he wasn’t interested.

“I just need to get out of here.”

He nodded. “I understand, Addy. I assume Vic is going to give you a ride home?”

She nodded. “Don’t get any ideas. It’s just a ride home.”

He chuckled. “I was just glad you both made it tonight.”

He leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “I love you, Addy. I just want you to be happy.”

Tears burned the back of her eyes. Her father was a hard ass, but she knew he did things for her because he loved her. They were intrusive and irritating, but he did it out of love.

“I love you too, Dad.”

“Go before Trevor finds his balls and comes back here to bug you.”

She laughed and gave him a big smacking kiss.

“I’ll call you in the morning.”

“We’ll be doing lunch around one.”

She nodded and walked out of the ballroom, ignoring the people who tried to talk to her. She needed to get out of there, back to her little house, and relax.


Vic let her give him the address to her house like he didn’t know where it was. It was sad to think he had been a bit…stalkerish in his pursuit. Not in a dangerous way. More like in a fifteen-year-old with a crush kind of way. He was worried that if caller id wasn’t a thing, she would call her constantly and hang up. Sad and pathetic.

“I guess all the drunks are still off drinking,” she said, breaking into his thoughts.

It was barely eleven. “Probably.”

“You don’t drink much.”

He glanced at her, then back to the road. “And you noticed this?”
