Page 3 of Only For Him

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“No answer?”

She didn’t look at him when she responded. “I didn’t think it needed explanation.”

His fingers twitched against her waist, and she wondered about it. He always seemed to have control of every emotion. She got it. Being a Dom and one that owned a club would imply that the man would prefer to dominate most situations. That is probably why he was such a good lawyer.

“Where did you go off to?”

She shook herself but didn’t look directly at him. She couldn’t, especially while he was wearing that tux.

“Sorry. Just thinking that both your professions lend to you being a control freak.”

When he said nothing, she took a peek and watched as his lips curved.

“I guess that means I’m good at it.”

Addy couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “Lord and that arrogance that goes along with it.”

He laughed. Not the usual controlled chuckle but a loud laugh that drew attention. Several people gave him curious looks as if they were somehow upset with his laughter. Addy didn’t understand. It was a wonderful sound.

“How much longer are you hanging around here?”

“I was calculating how long I had to stay before Dad would let me go.”

“Do you have a ride home?”

“I was going to catch a Lyft.”

She didn’t like driving on New Year’s Eve. It made her nervous being out on the road with so many drunks.

“How about we both ditch this shindig?”

Addy leaned back and looked at him. “Don’t you have more people to impress with your pretty face and brilliant mind?”

“The only person I’m here to impress needs a ride home.”

He kept looking at her like that, and she didn’t know if she would be able to walk straight. She thought he was kidding, but when she looked closely, she realized he wasn’t. Her heart was now tap dancing furiously.

Vic leaned down closer, and she caught his scent. He wasn’t a man who wore a lot of aftershave. It was pure red-blooded American male. Dark, rich, seductive. God, he was killing her.

“Cat got your tongue, Addy?”

His breath tickled the outer rim of her ear.


Oh, brilliant, Addy. But no one could blame her. The man had caused her brain to stop working, and her whole body was lighting up. Heat surged through her blood as her nipples tightened painfully. It took all her control not to reach up and give herself relief.

Vic Walton was lethal.

“Vic…” she stopped talking because he nibbled on her ear. The small gesture had

“What?” His voice was a soft growl that did funny things to her insides. Like, turn them to Jell-O.

“I told you before this wasn’t going to happen.”

“I know, but you can’t blame a guy for trying.”

She sighed. “Just…not tonight, Vic. It’s too much.”
