Page 54 of Only For Him

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“I don’t doubt it.”

Within moments, they were fast asleep, their arms still wrapped around each other.


Addison smiled as her father twirled her around the dance floor. They had finally made it to Hawaii, and Vic had talked her into getting married there. It wasn’t really that hard to do. It was Hawaii.

“You look happy,” her father said.

“Well, I am happy.”

He had been overprotective these last few months, but that was understandable. Addy knew how she would react if their roles had been reversed. They only had each other. Or at least, they used to only have each other. Now they were a family of three. She knew her father admired Vic and was happy about their marriage.

“Did Amanda get over you getting married so fast?”

Addison smiled. “Yes.”

The mother-to-be wasn’t happy about being so pregnant during the wedding, but Addison didn’t know why she worried. Her friend was radiant. Sure, she couldn’t see her feet, but who cares when you are about to have a baby with the love of your life.

The music died down, and Vic stepped up.

“Do you mind if I take my bride off your hands?”

Her father smiled. “Not at all. I think there is a mai tai calling me.”

He gave her a kiss on the cheek before handing her over to Vic.

Her husband—she was still getting used to that title— pulled her close as a ballad started.

“I hope you are having a good time.”

She looked up at him. “I happen to be having a fabulous time. I danced all the dances.”

“Yeah, even with that Diablo character.”

She chuckled when she thought about the Marine who had asked her to dance even while Vic had given him a death stare. It had been a fast song, and they did a lot of laughing, but she found Mal Dupree’s military buddies to be so much fun. Justin was the only person they invited from DC, so it had been a small ceremony. Still, the small reception turned into a party with a local band and lots of food.

Vic looked happy and relaxed. They both had gotten a bit of sun, and their attire for the wedding was casual. Vic was wearing a black aloha shirt with red and yellow flowers. Addy had picked a red maxi dress that was tied behind her neck. Her hair was up in a messy bun.

She had never been happier than she was right now.

He leaned closer, his hands going to her hips. “Do you think we can get out of here now?”

“I don’t think anyone will pay any attention, especially since Amanda keeps giving my father mai tais.”

Vic pulled back from her, then without warning, he bent at the waist and picked her up. The crowd around them went wild, cheering as he carried her off the dance floor. He made his way to their rental car—the convertible she insisted on.

As Vic sped through the streets of Oahu, Addy smiled, filled with the strange combination of contentment and anticipation. They pulled into the driveway of the house he rented for their honeymoon. Vic glanced over at her, and the searing look rocked her to her soul. That cocky smile made her panties damp and her head spin.

He leaned over the console and kissed her, biting her bottom lip.

“What are you thinking?” he asked.

“About how much I love you and how happy I am right now.”

The smile he gave her then was so light, so full of joy, her breath caught in her chest. She kissed him again before pulling back.

“Race you,” Addy yelled, then slipped out of the car, running toward their rental house.

He was laughing as he chased her. The sound of it made her heart happy. Together, they could conquer anything, and that was all that mattered.

Addy and Vicfirst appeared in Surrender the third book in the A Little Harmless Military Romance Series. Turn the page to read the first chapter of Infatuation, Book 1 in the series.
