Page 39 of Hula

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Now his look changes.

“Noted. But in my defense, you are beautiful and so I was just being accurate. I hope you are able to appreciate a man’s compliment, given with respect. Especially a man who is offering to serve you. If not, I won’t bother you further.”

Good one, Lani. Don’t let her be the only one steering the ship. Alek and I are silently watching. I do not want to look away. Nani doesn’t hate what was just said. I’d bet my house on it. Looks like Lani has a limit, and she likes that he does. The show of strength is hitting its mark.

“I apologize. And thank you. If you would, just choose whatever you think I would like. Surprise me.”

Oh snap. Now it’s Lani who is charmed by the bend in her attitude.

“I plan on it.”

Lani takes off for the buffet table, followed by Alek. As soon as they are out of reach Nani and I trade looks. Hers is contained excitement, if I am reading it right.

“Oh my God, Nani. Just so you know, he is one of my favorite people. Looks like you might be becoming one of his. Are you okay with that?”

“I’m okay with it. Just as long as he…as he… I don’t know how to finish the sentence.”

We chuckle, but I understand her meaning.

“Obviously, he is willing to go at your pace. Whatever that may be.”

“I think so too. I was a bit hasty with my reaction. That isn’t really my normal style. All evidence to the contrary I am not a sour woman.”

“I know you’re not. Pain sometimes makes us speak sharply. But he handled it well I thought.”

She smiles and nods. “Didn’t he though. Very manly and confident without being aggressive. He stood his ground and I admire that.”

“It would be nice to have a friend. For both of you. I mean his family is huge, but ever since his wife died a decade ago, I have never seen him with another woman. It has been all about family and farm for him.”

“It is nice to feel appreciated as a woman. It’s been a long time since that happened. Even if just for tonight, I’m going to enjoy myself.”

The next two hours go by in a haze of tequila and music. Whenever the playlists stop, musicians here and there pick up their ukuleles or guitars. People are always happy to join in familiar song. Aunt Marie is holding court. She always has men around her, but tonight seems more than usual. Once she joined in song, with the ukuleles and guitar trio, the crowd gathered. Lani and Nani haven’t stopped talking at the table.

Right now, Alek and I are in a slightly inebriated bubble on the dance floor. Arms around his neck and his encircling my waist, we glide, while Elvis sings about falling in love. Never before has gazing in someone’s eyes been so full of meaning. It isn’t just Alana discovering a world previously hidden from her. I seem to be walking through the same door.

A devilish grin appears and he speaks to it.

“Have I told you lately I want to fuck you?”

“You mentioned it a few times. In the last hour.”

“Okay. Here’s the thing. I think we need to get a hotel room tomorrow night. We can’t go to my place, or yours anymore. And it’s been three days since I was inside that perfect pussy. A man has needs, you know. It’s actually physically harmful for me to hold in all this cum. Think I read it somewhere. That’s just science.”

“Well, I wouldn’t want to put you in harm’s way. But why wait till tomorrow, when we have a perfectly good little beach to lie on now?”

“What? Are you messing with me, woman?”

“Just across from the road you turned in, there’s a tiny strip of sand hidden by the trees. There isn’t official public access, but Paula told me how to reach it. She and Keanu go there when they don’t want anyone to know where they are. We’d be alone. All we need is a blanket.”

Looks like Alek is sobering up. He stands straighter and runs a hand through his thick hair.

“I have one in my trunk. Shit! My mother is probably ready to bug out of here soon.”

Then his eyes wander behind me.

“I’m slightly drunk,” he says. “But is that my mother and Lani dancing? Or is it a mirage?”

Very slowly, I turn my head to see my big, burly, bear of a friend, gently holding onto Nani. They aren’t exactly dancing, more like swaying in place. But they are definitely together on the dance floor. And they are smiling at each other. I have never seen Lani looking taken by a woman. He’s kinda sexy.
