Page 55 of Hula

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“What about a female friend?”

The words come without thinking it through. But once said, I like the idea. Nani looks at me and waits.

“I’m available to stay during the day. I took care of my father when he was sick and if I do say so myself, I was pretty good at it.”

“I don’t know,” Nani says unconvincingly.

“Someone you know would be so much more comfortable, Mom. Think about it.”

“You would be doing me a great favor. I’m trying to scratch up enough money to buy my brother a used car for work. I have a couple thousand but need a few more. This would go a long way toward making that wish come true.”

“Okay. Maybe. Let me mull it over tonight. I will let you know tomorrow.”

“No problem. Whenever you’re ready.”

“And thank you, Leilani. That is very kind of you to offer. If I agree to anyone, it would be you.”

The little smile Alek is sending me speaks volumes. Lani gives his beauty two more kisses. She is soothed by the loving gesture.

The food arrives. There is a more joyous mood at the table than when I arrived. Conversation flows while we choose favorite rolls and wraps. But I’m thinking of other things. Already the wheels are turning.

I need to make a list tonight, of things to know before I start the new job. What makes a successful knee replacement recovery, how to care for the patient, and what to expect as far as physical therapy goes. I’ll give her my all and make some extra cash for the car.

But the best part of the experience will be the opportunity to get to know Nani and Alana more deeply. The other two women who occupy my love’s heart. Who will for life. And they need to find out who I am. You don’t really get to know who someone is at a party or a celebration. You get to know them in the every day of things. Where our real selves cannot help but show up.

Never before have chapters of my life come together like a novel. Separately, there is a beginning, middle, and end to every scene. Each one seeming to stand on its own. But with a wider view, I see how seamlessly they are connecting, telling a bigger story.

Chapter 15


Mom walks into the kitchen as I pour the last half cup of the morning’s coffee. She rolls a carryon behind her and leaves it against the entry.

“Is Alana at Monica’s already?” she asks.

“Yeah. She’ll be home later. They’re going to the movies. What’s the suitcase for?”

“I’m not going to be home this weekend. I should be back sometime Monday afternoon.”

Those are words I haven’t heard coming from my mother before. Her routines are reliable and usually set in stone.

“I thought you were coming with me to pick out the wall hangings for the restaurant.”

“Changed my mind. You can do that.”

“But we are going to learn about how the kapa is made. The tradition of it.”

“I already know, son. It’s you that needs the lesson.”

“Alright. So where are you going?”

“Lani and I will be staying at the Four Seasons. We are celebrating my last weekend with my original knee.”

She stares me down, daring a challenge to the plan. I figured they might eventually be intimate on some level, but this confirms it has gone much further than anticipated. Weird having your mother inform you there is going to be a hookup. How do I respond?

“Make sure you use protection,” I half kid.

A wave of her hand and a chuckle. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
