Page 58 of Hula

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“Lucky girl.”

“Not sure she is going to be as happy about it as she was a few months ago.”


“She likes it here too much. Suddenly there’s new priorities.”

“Good luck with that.”

“I’ll figure it out.”

“Let’s talk about what’s happening here. We need to solidify who you’re getting to cover me when I leave? It’s coming fast.”

“I know. I’ve had Nani’s on my mind so much, I haven’t figured it out yet. Don’t worry. I know when you’re leaving. Worst comes to worst, Mackenzie will fill in until I hire someone.”

“Who is going to manage Nani’s? Have you found anyone yet?”

“Think so. We don’t have as big a pool of candidates. Not ones that meet my standards. Everyone I originally considered had a job at one of the resorts.”

“You realize I won’t be putting off my dream any longer, right? Time to take my shot. This place I told you about is perfect. The owner has agreed to an option to buy. We’re working out the details now. You have me for another two months and then I’m outta here, Alek.”

“Believe me I get it. You want your own restaurant, and you should have it. I’m happy for you, Mak.”

“I’m under no delusion it will be half as successful as yours. Not at first. But a guy has to start somewhere, besides I learned it all from you, so I have an advantage.”

“You’ll make it a success, Mak. Mine wouldn’t have gone as smoothly without your managerial talents. Now you’ll just put them to work at your own place. Wish you could stay, but I understand why you can’t.”

“Thanks. Just keep a place open for me if I fall flat on my face.”

“I have a lot to figure out. I need time to think about my own future.”

“What does that mean?”

“I don’t know yet. I’m just talking.”

“Is it the girl?”

“Both of them.”


“Alana’s come alive here. Has friends she’s bonded with. I just hope the change is permanent, and the mood comes back to California with her.”

“It’ll be fine. There will be new friends at her high school. She’ll forget all about the ones she barely knows there. But it’s Leilani I want to hear about. What’s that story?”

“There’s too much to tell now.”


“I’ll fill you in another time. I see her coming. We’re going to pick out fabrics for the restaurant wall hangings.”

“Shit! Call me back tonight. I want to know how deep you’re into this.”

“It’s deep, bro. Deep as fuck.”

“You’ve never said that! Wait! I want to know…”

“Later. Got to go.”

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