Page 57 of Hula

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“You heard me. She and Lani are going to spend the weekend together at the Four Seasons.”

“At least he isn’t a cheap bastard. How do you know this?”

“She told me! Not only that, they’ve been getting it on for weeks.”

“Good for her. You said he’s a nice guy, right?”

“Yeah. He is. It was just a surprise. Aren’t you shocked?”

“It takes a lot more than that to shock me.”

I hear the announcement in the background.

“That’s me. I have to go. I’ll be there tonight, and I’ll stop by in the morning. Does she know I’m coming?”

“No. I thought I’d hold off in case you got delayed. And now she’ll be at the hotel.”

“Don’t tell her. Let them have their fun. Gives me time to get settled and talk with her surgeon.”

“Okay. That’s good.”

“Let’s go to breakfast tomorrow and you can fill me in on everything.”

“There’s lots to tell. Glad you’ll be here for the surgery. She will be too.”

“How you got her to agree is what I want to hear. Later. Got to go.”

The call ends. Hmm. Thought he’d be more amused or annoyed. Something. He took it better than I did. Mak’s reaction will be different. I make the call.

“Hi. I was just going through a list of what I have to tell you,” he says.

“Okay, good. But first let me tell you my news.”

“Oh shit. You got married? She’s pregnant? Alana joined a cult?”

“None of the above. It’s something much more shocking.”

“I have to hear this!”

“Your quiet seventy-one-year-old mother is having a rendezvous with her boyfriend at the Four Seasons. Boom! How’s that for a shock?”

He starts laughing, which throws me. Am I the only one that thinks it’s a surprise to discover our mother is interested in sex and romance? Guess so.

“Now I see where we got it. Always thought it was strictly Dad, but looks like it comes from both sides.”

I give up trying to get one of them to agree.

“So what’s on the list? What do you need to tell me?”

“You got something from Montfort High School. Want me to open it?”

“Yeah, open it.”

The sound of the envelope ripping apart proceeds his report.

“It’s the receipt for final payment. Thirty thousand dollars? Are you kidding me? You sending her to Harvard?”

“It’s the best private college prep school in the area. And it was the one she picked.”
