Page 63 of Hula

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“No. Not really. I’m just drawn to these two. But they’re different. Maybe we can have a medium sized one in the dining room, then a smaller one in the entry.”

“No. That doesn’t work for me.”

Ha! Another artist who tells the buyer what to like. Or rather, what to look for.

“Let me explain why one big mural is better.”


“This isn’t just a painting on a twelve by twelve canvas. It’s a complete story that requires space, and distance to view it. Your diners, no matter where they sit, will be able to absorb the story of who Nani is.”

“I like that.”

“But her story involves not just her, but her family. Florenza and their children.”

“How would you do that?”

“You are drawn to the bird. The bird represents the navigator. It also represents the provider. That is your father. He guided and provided for his family.”

I feel the lump rise in my throat and see the tears in Alek’s eyes well.

“What a beautiful way to honor him,” I say.

“The nest will have three eggs. You and your brothers.”

“I love the idea, Lucky.”

“But this will be Nani’s restaurant, and her spirit will dominate the mural. The bird and nest will be at the feet of the main subject. Look at what you saw in the second picture.”

“Pele and another god?”

“Pele and her sister Laka. They are regarded as the deities of hula, and are its most revered figures. Hula was originally a way to communicate with the gods. It is prayer in the most beautiful form. Your mother has honored our culture by preserving the old ways. So I will make Pele’s eyes and hands your mothers.”

“Oh God! I’m going to cry,” I say and do.

Mine aren’t the only tears, and neither are Alek’s. Oscar starts blubbering like a baby. That breaks us all up.

“I didn’t mean to start a flood.”

Alek puts a hand on the artist’s shoulder and looks him in the eye.

“I couldn’t be happier, brother. Yes. Let’s do it. Just tell me how much for the deposit.”

He waves his words off.

“No need. Pay me when I finish. What’s the timeline?”

“Our reopening is at the end of August.”

“Alright. I have another job to do before I start yours, but it might work. If I think there isn’t enough time, I will tell you in advance.”

“Oh. I really want this done when we open, and it will be the centerpiece of the dining room. Shit! I should have scheduled this better.”

“I’m in demand, bro.”

“What can I do to make it happen? I’m willing to do whatever it takes.”

“There is one thing that would convince me to put you to the head of the line.”
