Page 80 of Hula

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“Am I going down again?”

“If I so declare.”

He likes what he sees and hears. Those two are already enjoying being in the same family.

“Enough of the smack talk. Here we go.”

Lani takes a folded paper from his pocket and opens it so no one else can see.

“Story one. One of my children told their teacher that penis was their favorite snack! Who was it?”

That starts the laughter, with everyone but Lani’s three children. They sit stone-faced, not giving anything away.

“Penis,” Lily giggles. “You said penis, Papa.”

“I did my dear. Mama will explain later.”

“So let’s think about this,” Noa says. “Kala is the obvious choice. But I don’t buy it.”

She raises her eyebrows.

“I understand it may be your favorite snack, but this isn’t your story.”

“Ha!” Ino calls.

“It is gonna be one of the guys for sure,” Alek says. “He was most likely in kindergarten or younger and had a lisp maybe.”

“I was thinking the same thing. Peanuts. He meant peanuts. But which one?”

“The man who was eating macadamia nuts earlier! It’s a tell.”

“Detective Makani, I believe you cracked the case.”

“Yep. That sounds right to me too. Shall we say, Kimo?”


“Kimo, definitely.”

The name is recorded.

“Alright. Now for the second story. One of my children torched their farts and set their bedroom on fire! Which one did it?”

Oh my God!!! We are hysterical with the news. Even the three Anakoni siblings start laughing. One of them crying laughing.

“Stop!” Kala screams, holding her sides.

“Okay now. I think she’s trying to make us think it isn’t her.”

Mak’s looking at her like a policeman interrogating a shifty career criminal. I actually think it’s her too.

Alek turns to Noa.

“What do you think?

“I think she definitely has it in her to light her farts. I’m imagining it now.”

She tosses a napkin across the table and it lands on Noa’s head. “You are perverted.”
