Page 33 of Bringing Emma Home

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“I’m on my way home from Spartanburg,” she said, feeling relieved at the sound of her brother’s voice.

“What? Why were you in Spartanburg? Where’s Aidan? I need to talk to him.”

She did her best to remain calm while she told Lucas what had happened and about the DNA results.

“I had no idea that he’d had an affair…and now a child? What in hell is going on with Aidan?” Lucas asked.

Had Aidan not told Lucas anything? She hadn’t talked to her brother because she hadn’t seen him since all this happened. But Aidan talked to Lucas every day.

“You can see why I had to leave. He had an affair and now he’s obsessed with the child from that relationship. All the times I tried to get him to understand how important a child was to me, how much I wanted to be a mother. Suddenly he’s completely determined to be a father to a child he claims he’s never met. It’s as if she’s all that matters.”

“Gracie, you know that’s not true. Aidan loves you. He always has. Sure, he made a mistake, and he is definitely making one now, but you need to give him a little time to sort things out. I’m sure once he has a chance to see what being responsible for this little girl means, he’ll be back to you, begging you to help him figure out the best plan. I agree with you. This is all too sudden.”

Grace moved into the left lane, accelerating as she passed a transport truck. She was driving way too fast but she didn’t care. She had to get home. “I’m not so sure. He is completely determined to bring Emma home with him, to be her daddy and provide her with a good home. He hasn’t given me, or what I need, a thought since we arrived at Deidre’s house. It’s as if I don’t exist. Lucas, I’m afraid.”

“Of what?”

“That Aidan has been involved in Emma’s life all along. He denies it, but I can’t believe him. And the photo the nanny had was so upsetting. Aidan said he didn’t know about it, but I can’t believe that he didn’t. It was a photo taken in a park I didn’t recognize. Someone had to have taken it, and by the smile on his face, it was someone he cared about. On top of that, the nanny said that Deidre wanted Emma to know what her father looked like. That’s why the photo was there. But what if it was more than that? Lucas, I can’t face this. I can’t. He has blocked any attempts to see an adoption lawyer, and until this, he seemed okay with not having children. I’ve given Aiden everything I have to give, and I’m still on the outside of his life.”

“Take it easy. Remember you’re driving and it’s not safe for you to be worrying and distracted behind the wheel.”

She began to cry softly, feeling the warmth of the tears as they coursed down her cheeks. She eased her foot off the accelerator a little. The blare of a horn sounded as the car behind her pulled out and passed her. “If he has hidden other things from me, my marriage is over. I might be able to forgive him for the affair, but if he’s been seeing her and his child all this time, I can’t forgive him for that.”

“Sis, you’re upset. But please just drive carefully and make it back here in one piece. I’ll be waiting for you and we’ll talk. Okay?” he said, his voice filled with concern and compassion.

“Okay.” Talking to her brother made her feel a little better than she had when she left Aidan. But Lucas made everyone feel safe, listened to everyone’s woes and always seemed to have the right answer. When they were growing up, she had often sought his advice. “Thanks. What would I do without you? I’m so glad you were on the other end of the line when I called.”

“Me, too. See you in a few hours. And call me if you need to. You hear?”
