Page 55 of Bringing Emma Home

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Besides, he was pretty certain that Grace would come around. She loved children and they now had a daughter. Once she could accept that and look forward to what their life now was, everything would work out.

He realized that he needed to include Grace in whatever way he could until she had the chance to meet Emma.

Ultimately, what he needed to do was convince Lisa to move home with him, and that way Grace would see how wonderful everything could be. He didn’t want to simply bring Emma into their lives and expect Grace to take over. It would be nice if he could, but that couldn’t happen as long as Grace felt the way she did. Until she changed, Lisa would be a good buffer. And she would give Emma some continuity while she got used to living with them.

The timing was becoming problematic. He needed to get back to work soon. Lucas had called with questions and decisions they needed to make, and he’d spent hours on the phone last evening after he put Emma to bed while they worked on the more urgent problems. It wasn’t right for him to be away from work too long, especially when their marketing efforts to grow the business were paying off in substantial sales increases.

He checked his watch again. Lisa had called and said she’d be here by noon. He couldn’t imagine what she’d say to his idea of moving in with him and Emma, but he had to give it a try.

When she walked through the door, she didn’t waste any time. “Where’s Emma?”

“She’s at kindergarten,” he said, surprised at the question.

“Seriously? I thought she’d want to stay home when she realized I wouldn’t be here to take her. I always take her to school.” Lisa looked around. “How did you make out otherwise? Did she cry a lot?”

“A little the first evening after you left. She really missed you.”

Lisa’s smile brightened. “I missed her, too. She’s like my own daughter, and now with her mom gone…”

“How’s your mom doing?”

“She had to have a stent put in, but she’s doing okay.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” Lisa’s presence would allow him to focus more on work, on the moving plan…and on Grace. “I wanted to talk to you about Emma and her future, if you have time.”

Lisa perched on a stool in front of the kitchen island. “I have all the time in the world, or until Emma needs to be picked up.”

“I’m thinking about taking Emma home with me. I’ve been working with the lawyer and a lot of Deidre’s will has been settled. I really need to get back to my wife and my business. Of course, I want to take Emma with me.”

Tears glistened in Lisa’s eyes. “What about this house? What about Emma and her kindergarten?”

“I won’t put the house on the market just yet. First, I want to have Emma’s life in order, get her settled in my home. If she’s really upset by the change, it might mean that we come back here, so I’ll keep the house for now.”

He glanced at her for approval, but saw none. “The thing is, I’d like you to come along. Emma would be happier with you in her life, and you could be a tremendous help in helping us adjust and adapt to her needs. Would you be interested in being part of the plan?”

Lisa squared her shoulders. “Yes. Of course, I’ll come with you. It’s important that some part of Emma’s life remain constant.” She sniffed. “But you have to know that I have had other job offers, and if your wife will be staying home with Emma, you won’t need me very long. I would like to be free to take another nanny position as soon as Emma is settled with you and your wife.”

“I understand, and I appreciate you being frank with me.”

“When do you plan to move?”
