Page 56 of Bringing Emma Home

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“I thought this weekend. I haven’t had a chance to look for a kindergarten near our home, but I’m sure Grace and I can find one.”

“I don’t mean to interfere, but your wife and I didn’t hit it off when she was here. If my going with you should cause a problem, I won’t stay more than a couple days. As much as I love Emma, she is not my child. She’s yours. You have the final decision on everything related to her. And, to be honest, I don’t want to live in a hostile environment.”

He was once again surprised by Lisa’s matter-of-fact tone. She obviously loved Emma, but she didn’t seem to be happy about the move. “Emma is my first priority, and will be Grace’s, as well. This has been very difficult for my wife, as she didn’t know about my relationship with Deidre.”

Lisa’s eyebrows shot up. “What? You mean she only found out when Deidre died?”

He didn’t want to tell this woman more than was necessary, but he did want to clear up any misconceptions. “Yes. I hadn’t said anything because it was a long time ago, and that was the only time I broke my marriage vows. Finding out what I’d done was very hard on my wife.”

“I had no idea…” Lisa said, a frown forming on her face.

“We are working out our problems.”

She gave him an odd look but said nothing. “I’ll drive in my own car,” she said. “That might be better…for everyone.”

“Sounds like a plan. I’ll call Grace and tell her the good news.”

* * *

GRACE HAD JUST returned from the grocery store. She struggled to find something she wanted to eat, as her appetite had abandoned her after that last conversation with Aidan. She didn’t know what to do about him, about their marriage, in the light of his obsession with Emma.

She’d tried to talk to her brother about it, but he’d had several work emergencies and had gone out of town on business. She wondered if Lucas had spoken with Aidan about the backlog of work that wasn’t getting done. If he had, she doubted that Aidan was listening. He was probably too preoccupied with his daughter to even notice the stress Lucas was under.

Aidan certainly hadn’t noticed anything about her during his last call. All he’d talked about was himself and his daughter.

She had just placed the last of the vegetables in the fridge when the phone rang.

Aidan. Taking a deep breath, she picked up. “Aidan, I apologize for hanging up on you, but I was upset. I hope you’re calling so we can talk.”

“I want that, too, sweetheart. And I think I have the answer. I can’t be away from you any longer, and I am so anxious for you to get to know Emma. I’ve decided to come home and bring Emma with me.”

“You what?” she yelled in disbelief. “How can you take that child away from everything and everyone she knows so soon after her mother’s death, with no plan on how to look after her? Aidan, you’re not thinking straight. This isn’t fair to Emma or to me or anyone else in your life. Lucas needs you at work. I need you. You need to get back here and get your life straightened out—our lives straightened out—before you move Emma here.”

“Grace, I talked to Lisa and she’s willing to move in with us and help with Emma, getting her settled and into a routine. Emma will be just fine with Lisa along.”

“And how long can Lisa stay with us?” she asked, anger rising. Totally ignoring her had become Aidan’s modus operandi and she was sick of it.

To think he could bring a child into their home without discussing the arrangements with her was so hurtful she could hardly breathe. What had happened to Aidan? Why was he so determined to bring this child into their lives without considering her?
