Page 86 of Bringing Emma Home

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“I’m scared that we can’t fix this. That you will never forgive me for what I did. That Emma and I will live our lives without you. I wish things were good between us, the way they were. We were happy together, regardless of what happened these past few weeks. You have to admit that.” Turning, he pulled out of the parking lot. “I’ll take you to Lucas’s place, and bring your car back in the morning.”


THE DRIVE TO the house was easily one of the worst of Aidan’s life. He drove slowly, frustrating the drivers behind him, but he didn’t care. Her withdrawal from him was a physical, tangible thing. Every minute that passed took Grace farther out of his reach, away from their life together.

He struggled to think of something to say that would give him an opening, an opportunity to make one last try. She was still upset, and he didn’t blame her for that, but if they were to ever to get together again she had to help him find a way he could make it up to her.

He’d been glancing her way every couple of minutes, but she didn’t look at him. He wanted to pull over to try to reason with her, but hadn’t dared to do that, fearing that he’d only make things worse.

All he could do now was encourage her to call him tomorrow. He didn’t feel he could call her, under the circumstances.

When Aidan pulled into the entrance to Lucas’s condo building, Lucas was walking toward the door. He retraced his steps when he spotted Grace’s car. “Hey, sis. You’re back early,” he said, a quizzical frown on his face.

“I’ll explain later,” she said, not looking Aidan’s way. She picked up her purse and got out. “I’m really tired,” she said, hugging her brother.

“Talk to you tomorrow?” Aidan asked, aware that his brother-in-law would have a long talk with Grace tonight or tomorrow, then Lucas would call, demanding to talk to him.

Grace didn’t turn back, didn’t make eye contact or smile. “I’m sorry for tonight,” he said, hoping she’d at least say good-night.

Instead, she walked toward the condo building without turning back.

Lucas got into the passenger seat Grace had just vacated. “Okay, buddy, what did you do to my sister?”

“It didn’t go well,” Aidan said, feeling defeated.

“If you don’t make this right, you need your head read,” Lucas said, giving Aidan’s shoulder a light punch. “The last thing I expected was to have her show up looking like she’d been hit by something.”

Aidan stared in surprise. “I would never—”

“Relax. I know you wouldn’t. But you are messing up badly. What is going on?”

“I don’t know. She won’t listen to me. She says I ruined everything, and she has no idea about how I can make it better. And I don’t, either. I’m going to lose her, Lucas. And I can’t seem to turn this around. I need your help.”

“You got it. But first, I want to check on Gracie, see if I can help her. Maybe I can get a handle on what’s happening with her. I might be able to sit down with you tomorrow if I can get out of going to Nashville again.”

Aidan’s heart sank at the stiff expression on Lucas’s face. Did he think that there had been other women besides Deidre? “Lucas, I didn’t have any other relationships. Deidre was the only one. I swear to you. Man-to-man. I never, ever, intended to do what I did. You have to believe me. I wouldn’t intentionally hurt Grace.”

“I’m not sure of anything where you’re concerned. You had everything a man could want, and you tossed it over for a fling with a stranger.” Lucas got out. “I think you should face facts. If you don’t put your wife first, you’re going to lose her.”
