Page 87 of Bringing Emma Home

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GRACE LEANED ON Lucas for support as they went into the building, wretchedness dragging her every step. She could still hear Aidan’s words of entreaty, proving he didn’t get it. She was hurting so badly, was so desperate to understand what had driven him to another woman. And yet when they needed each other, needed to share their feelings, to talk it all out, he was ready to give up on them rather than work to solve their problems.

When did feelings need a time frame? Why couldn’t he accept that nothing this serious was over and done with on a schedule? Her stomach ached at the memory of his words.

“You’ll be all right, Gracie, really,” Lucas said as he pressed the elevator button and the door closed behind them. “I’m getting you upstairs, then we’re going to have a talk about what’s going on with you and Aidan.”

“Please. No lectures. Not tonight. I’m too tired, and besides, there’s really no point.” She leaned against the wall as the stress of the evening washed over her. She could still feel Aidan’s body pressed to hers, his mouth on hers, desire for his touch flooding her senses.

“I’m not going to lecture you, but we need to sort this out. I’d like to kick his butt, but it wouldn’t do much good. Aidan can be a brick-head when it comes to personal connections. But this isn’t news to you, right?”

“Yeah,” she said, her whole body feeling lethargic, her mind in complete turmoil.

Lucas touched her shoulder. “Don’t mean to be hard on you, sis, but there has to be a way to get this settled. I’ve never known two people who loved each other the way you two do.”

“Maybe it was all just a sham,” she said.

“You don’t believe that. Not for a minute.”

“No. Aidan and I had everything but a baby. I want to believe that if we’d been able to have a child, this wouldn’t have happened. But I’ll never know, always be left wondering if all that wanting to have a baby ruined my marriage.”

“Do not believe that. Do not,” he said emphatically.

“I may not have a choice if he doesn’t want to work things out. Actually, that’s not it. He wants to work things out but he can’t accept that it’s not an easy fix.”

“You can’t change the past, and don’t go blaming yourself here. Aidan was the one who made the mistake.”

She walked ahead of him from the elevator, heading down the hall toward his condo. “What do you mean?”

“Let’s go inside first.”

“Is Maria here?”

“No, she’s doing inventory at work this evening.”

“I really like her, Lucas. Are you going to propose to her?”

He tilted his head at her. “We are not discussing my love life. We’re discussing yours. I’ll make us a hot chocolate like Mom used to make. Remember how good that tasted? The ultimate comfort food.”

Whenever they’d needed a little cheering up, their mom would get out the saucepan to make real hot chocolate—none of those just-add-water packages.

“Yeah. I miss her so much, and even more now with my life in such a mess. She taught me everything about quilting and knitting. Sometimes when I’m knitting, it’s as if she’s there with me.”

“You’ve been knitting while you’ve been here, but I haven’t seen you working on a quilt.”

“I finished what I brought with me. I’m waiting for new fabric. I ordered online and it should be delivered to the house this week.”

“Will you go pick it up?”

“Probably when I get the call from Lisa or Aidan that it’s arrived.”

“How will you feel about that?”

“I’m not sure. It makes me so lonely to go over there. I was happy in that house with Aidan. But now…it’s just hard to make conversation, to see that little girl…feel the loss all over again.”
