Page 20 of Pursued

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I look from one man to the other and give Detective Alexander my full attention. “Gage, from what I understand, you have goals within the department. Your eyes are set on a gold shield, is that correct?”

Nodding, I place my hands on my legs and hope the denim will absorb the dampness. When I walked into this office thirty minutes ago, I thought maybe Uncle Cal wanted me to talk to this guy about going straight. Never did I imagine the man who looks like he’s lived a life full of regret and poor choices by thirty was a cop. His scuffed motorcycle boots and holey jeans only added to his role. It was the large neck tattoo and bald head that threw me for a loop.

“This is an opportunity to see a different side of that shield. What I need is someone to stand in for a few weeks. Your role would be minimal, more of a background kind of guy. My team has been playing the slow game on this assignment. It’s taken months for us to get an invitation to one of their parties. Our intel confirms this is the first step before their president will meet with me.”

Clearing my throat I ask, “What would be expected of me?”

“There’s always something going on at their place. Parties are common. Next month though is a birthday celebration for their VP. He’s been my point during the majority of this investigation, so being included was a big win. I’m expected to bring my crew with me. You would come to my unit and I would have you work with one of my guys for a few weeks. He’d get you up to speed on the investigation, key players, all the basics. You’ll go to the party with us. Assuming there are no surprises, you’ll hang out, shoot some pool, and drink a beer or two while keeping your eyes and ears open.”

“Seems pretty simple.”

Uncle Cal groans and I look to see him running his hand down his face. Detective Alexander’s expression doesn’t change, which I know is a bad sign.

“Nothing about UC work is simple. You will be walking into the unknown unarmed. We have to rely on each other and stay vigilant while still maintaining the cover I have worked to establish. Your captain said you were the right man for this job, but if you are going to blow this off like it’s getting your car washed, I’ll walk out now.”

Guilt hits quickly. “I didn’t mean to downplay the work you’ve done or what is expected of me. To be honest, I’m surprised you’re coming to me. I don’t exactly look the part.”

This gets me a laugh from both men, and I feel better to have lightened the tension. It isn’t untrue though. Today I’m wearing jeans and a T-shirt but my tats are covered and there’s no indication I’m anything but the serious and buttoned-up man my family accuses me of being.

“Clothes and hair can be changed. It’s the kind of officer you are that matters. If it’s too much for you, I can leave right now.”

Thoughts of my family flood my mind and I know I can’t tell them what I’m doing until after the assignment. Changing my look would have to be explained and I don’t think I could joke my way out of it.

Uncle Cal must have similar thoughts because he says, “We’ll tell the family you’re going for some additional training. Raymond did something similar a few years back. Nobody will question it. After you come back, I can be with you when you tell your folks.”

“I guess not having much of a personal life worked out for me in the end,” I quip, not expecting a response.

“That’s how most of us are in the unit. I take that response as an acceptance.”

With a long exhale, I haul myself out of the chair and turn to my new temporary boss, hand extended. “It would be an honor to work with you, Detective Alexander.”

“Blake, and welcome to the team.”

As we shake hands I briefly wonder how much this single decision will change my life.

Chapter 14


After weeks of training with Blake’s unit, tonight I’ll finally put the hard work into play. Thankfully I’m one of those weirdos who enjoys studying. After working with the various team members each day and slowly easing my way into the fold, I spent each night pouring through case notes and individual profiles for the gang members we may encounter at the party.

I may have joined this assignment late, but my study habits served me well. Confident in the knowledge I secured, I don’t think my appearance with the group will come into question. The change in my appearance doesn’t hurt either. Enzo’s work healed nicely, and saying Blake was surprised when he saw my ink would be an understatement.

“How are you feeling, Castillo?”

Catching his eye in the mirror, I run the clippers across my jaw one last time. I push the power button and lift my chin in acknowledgment. “I’m ready.”

“That’s not what I asked. How are youfeeling?”

How am I feeling? I want to be honest with the man but worry he’ll lose confidence in me if I tell him I’m as nervous tonight as I was the first day of the academy. The emotions are a mixture of excitement, confidence, and nagging fear. My dad told me once it is good to recognize the fear. Without the fear, we walk into the unknown unprepared.

“I’m feeling a lot of things but mostly confident I can do this. I won’t let you down.”

Blake Alexander is an imposing man. At least four inches beyond my six feet, he stands with his arms crossed, easily filling the doorway. I have a strong suspicion the women at tonight’s party will be all over him. Thankfully I’m not tasked with running interference. That job goes to Van. He fancies himself quite the ladies’ man and had no problem assuming the role of wingman.

“There is no doubt in my mind you can do this. Stay close to Vargas and Spellman and you’ll be fine. Remember under no circumstances are you Officer Castillo tonight. You are Gage the runner and are there for a good time but not too good, if you get me.”

“I do.”
