Page 13 of Unmistakable Mate

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Rafe blew out a rough breath, “I don’t keep things from her.”

“Just for tonight?”

“And what difference is tomorrow going to make, Maya? What’s your endgame here?” Rafe narrowed his eyes. “Because in case you’ve forgotten I went through the mating heat myself and I can smell it on you now that we’re separated from the rest of them.”

“Gross. Don’t say that.” Maya curled her lip.

“I’m just saying…” Rafe shrugged. “Zoey’s smart and intuitive. She’s going to figure it out for herself and I’m not going to be caught in the crossfire when she does.”

Maya groaned, “Fine. Whatever. I’ll figure it out myself.”

“Figure what out, exactly? The bond is already forming. You don’t actually think you can get out of it, do you?”

“I don’t know.” Maya hissed. “I just… I need time to think and I can’t do that with him here, in my space.”

“So you want us to take him to our house for the night? Is that what you’re asking?”

“I guess?” Maya threw her hands up.

“Well I doubt Zoey intended to leave him here anyways so that should be fine, but…”

The sound of someone knocking on the door again cut Rafe off and the conversation that had been going in the living room faded as well. Maya peeked out of the kitchen in time to see Nova move to the door. Her sister opened it and Maya groaned when she saw who was on the other side this time.

She did not need this.

Her older brother stepped inside, giving Nova a quick peck on the forehead. Leo’s mate followed him in. Darius pulled Nova into a quick hug but neither of them was focused on her. Maya could already see their eyes searching the room, taking in Zoey’s presence and the two strangers on the couch beside her, moving on until they found Maya standing in the doorway to the kitchen.

“Who is it?” Rafe asked, sliding around her until he could see for himself and then he snorted and raised his voice, “Leo. Darius. Did you guys get a midnight phone call too?”

“Not exactly.” Leo tilted his head, glancing from Maya back to the man on the couch and then back again.

Her stomach dropped.

Darius explained further, “We went for a run in the forest after dinner but then Leo got a feeling something was wrong and said we had to get here. Get to Maya to be exact.”

Maya widened her eyes and rushed towards her brother and his husband, “Okay, come on in. Glad you got my message. Let’s go talk in the kitchen please.”

She dragged them behind her and they followed though the look of confusion on their faces must have been plain to see even to the strangers in her living room. She pushed Leo and Darius into the kitchen and they exchanged nods with Rafe. Rafe, to his credit, didn’t speak, just picked up an orange from the bowl on the counter and began to peel it. Darius started to reach for one too but Maya smacked his hand and hissed at him.

“You can’t just say shit like that!”

“Like what?” Darius frowned at her even as Leo took his slapped hand in his own and tenderly rubbed it.

“You came because you had a feeling?” Maya huffed, “He’s human, dumbass.”

“The guy in the living room that looks like Zoey?” Darius tilted his head and shot a glance at Rafe.

“Long-lost brother.” Rafe shrugged, popping a slice of orange into his mouth.

“Really?” Darius looked only mildly surprised by the information, “Guess you two had more in common than I thought sinceyouwere Michael’s long-lost brother once upon a time.”

Rafe gave him the finger. Darius smirked. Leo stifled a chuckle and Maya growled.

“Stop it. This isn’t the time for your childish bickering.”

“She’s right.” Leo’s voice was smooth as velvet as he inserted himself between his mate and Rafe. “We came because I sensed something was wrong with you, not Zoey. So what is it? What’s upset you?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Rafe popped another piece of orange into his mouth and then spoke again, “Or are you two still so sex-crazed you can’t scent anything but each other?”
