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“Who am I supposed to be if someone asks?” I whispered as soon as Kaden was in earshot.

“No one will ask. They’ll know on some level you’re supposed to be here and won’t question you. Part of the way our thing works.”

Our thing, and I was being included in theour. It was getting so every moment that passed, my real life slipped away and I became part of their world.

We walked into the private party, surrounded by beautiful people smiling and smelling intoxicating. Kaden’s hand was at my back as he guided us to the bar, the heat of his touch sending a sizzling awareness through me. I’d never felt this kind of sensation with Johnny. I wouldn’t put it past Kaden to be manipulating me somehow.

The bar was packed, but as soon as Kaden raised a hand, it was as if we were the only ones there. The bartender rushed over.

“What would you like?” Kaden asked.

“Glenlivet, neat.”

He tilted his head slightly as if I’d surprised him. He turned back to the bartender. “Make it two.”

I could barely wait to get my hands around the drink, hoping the burn would smooth out the nerves. The place Cookie had taken us was open to the public. This place I was keeping one eye on the security dressed in suits by the door, expecting to get tossed at any moment.

Was that a holster I just saw under the guy’s jacket?

“Can I die?” I asked, and then took a sip.

“Yes, but it would have to be very violent.” Kaden’s hand was at my back again as he leaned closer. “We’ve got company headed this way. Don’t say anything more than you need to.”

“Company? You mean like people who are going to know who we are?” I asked.

“Yes. Now stop talking.”

“But I don’t under—”

He wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me slightly to him. The intimate hold threw me off my game long enough for our company to descend upon us, as I was sure he’d planned.

I’d never been the jealous type with other women. Maybe watching my father with his new family had burned that out of me. When he had a daughter with his new wife, she’d been everything he wanted, while I was the frumpy kid with the crazy mother he couldn’t wait to get away from. The fight had been over before it even began.

But if Iwerethe jealous type? I’d be greener than spring grass after a week of rain. The legs, the curves, the hair—theface. Antionette was beautiful, but this woman was walking sex appeal. It felt like I’d seen more stunning women up close and personal in the last week than in my entire previous life. I didn’t believe people could look like this without filters.

“Kaden,” the woman said, her voice almost a purr.

I didn’t glance his way, wanting to avoid the lust that would surely be there. It was bad enough I appeared to be his date, let alone one he’d like to swap out.

“Catherine,” he said, sounding almost bored.

I looked his way. Was he so used to attractive women drooling over him that he was immune? Hard to not to take the obvious invitation this woman was offering. I wasn’t inclined toward women, and even I struggled to keep my eyes from her.

I shifted my gaze to the crowd meandering around, attempting not to gawk at Catherine.

“Who’s this gorgeous creature?” a man asked.

“She’s none of your concern, Alec,” Kaden said, his hand back to my waist.

I turned, finding an attractive man smiling at me. He wasn’t quite as pretty as Kaden, but he was close enough that it was flattering.

I glanced around again. No one else had shown up, and Alec was still staring at me.

“Wait, were you asking about me?” I said, sounding about as uncouth as a person could get.

“But of course,” he said, letting an appreciative eye run over me and then turning his attention to Kaden. “How about this: give me a little time with your friend and I’ll even stay out of tonight’s festivities.”

Wait a second! Did he think I was some sort of prostitute?
