Page 222 of Broken Like You

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Luciano is dead, and Rosie is alive.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t believe like hell that we’d all somehow make it through this unscathed. But the universe was not on our side, reminding me that only so many miracles are allowed to happen in such a short time.

Franklin is gone, no longer a threat to our safety. But our loss was massive. Not to mention, we unleashed a whole new world of danger into our lives. It might not be immediate, or lurking around every corner, but we are fully consumed in a world we thought we were going to escape from.

If it’s the price I have to pay to be in Johnny’s life, I will gladly go running into the fire to stay with him.

If someone would have pulled me aside a year ago and told me that this is how things would play out, I’d never have believed them. I knew things were going to change, that I was going to get away from Griffin, but I didn’t think it would happenthisway. I never would have guessed I’d becomethisversion of me. The Claire that was always there, just under the surface, waiting for me to realize and unleash her.

This “face whatever comes her way and fights for what’s right” kind of woman.

One that would manipulate and poison and shoot those in her path to save the ones she loves.

It’s dark, darker than I imagined I could be, but it’s me. And honestly, I don’t regret any of it, because it got me to where I am today. If anything, I embrace it.

I glance across the room, my sights settling on Johnny, Josey and Miller at his sides. They’re talking strategy on how to overcome the shit storm that is heading our way.

Within moments of finding out Luciano’s fate, Miller went straight into executive mode, pushing aside his emotions and focusing on the task at hand. Johnny mirrored his hardened exterior and followed suit, and for the last few hours, they’ve been huddled in the corner of this dank hospital waiting area, discussing some kind of plan.

Worry courses through me at seeing Johnny put up such a cold front, but I don’t take it personally. He’s around other people, and I’m confident he doesn’t want to appear vulnerable in front of them. The soft version of Johnny is reserved for me, and once we’re outside of these walls, behind the privacy of our own, Johnny will feel safe enough with me to let his guard down.

People grieve in different ways, and I have to accept that for now, this is Johnny’s.

My role is to harden myself into his rock, anchoring Johnny from spinning out of control.

Rosie sits in the chair across from me, the bandage still wrapped around her throat, but with the doctor’s approval that she can get up and walk around a little. As soon as she got the go-ahead, she hopped into the shower in her attached bathroom and changed into the spare clothes I had brought her. They’re not her style, but they’re comfortable and clean. She was grateful to get out of that hospital gown, just like I imagined she would be.

“I can’t believe you didn’t bring me any makeup.” Rosie cups her hand toward me and lowers her voice. “You didn’t tell me howcuteJJ’s friend was.”

“I told you on FaceTime, remember?” I glance over at Josey. “He’s too old for you.”

Plus, he is sort of a criminal. But aren’t we all, if you really think about it? Mainly, it’s the age difference. He’s way more experienced, in every imaginable way, than Rosie. I don’t want her to get hurt if she doesn’t know what she’s getting involved with. I’ve only been around Josey on a few occasions, I don’t know him well enough to give my stamp of approval.

He did get her to safety and maybe saved her life. I guess he gets brownie points for that. And he gave Johnny insider information on that package situation. Okay, a few more points.

Rosie tilts her head to the side and deadpans. “Is not.”

Somehow, no makeup, freshly tortured, she still looks like a supermodel.

Josey glances over his shoulder like he suspects he’s being talked about. He winks at Rosie, turning around and focusing back on the boys.

Rosie blushes and starts to speak but ends up wincing, being completely taken out of the moment.

It feels wrong to even consider anything cheerful given the magnitude of the situation.

I shake my head back and forth. “Nope. Not happening. See, you’re already getting hurt.”

But if I know the power of love, if those two are meant to get together, there’s nothing any of us could do to stop it from happening.

I settle my gaze on my own dark prince, the one I tried like hell to stay away from.

He runs his hand through his stubbly hair, growing irritated with himself at the lack of length.

“At least you can grow it out now,” I whisper to him from across the room.
