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Chapter 6

Mrak had me moaning his name a few more times before allowing me to leave the shower and continue my day. It was hardly a hostage situation. But now that I knew seeing and feeling his form was possible, my patience waiting for the time when we could truly be one began shrinking with every minute that passed.

I got dressed and toasted a blueberry bagel I covered with cream cheese for breakfast, enjoying a slower, more relaxed start to the morning. Only around ten did I head into the workshop to begin work for today. Another local witch named Brianna had stopped by the day before last asking for her own set of protective daggers. Brianna hadn’t been in the same feeding community as Willa and me, but I recognized the bite scars—and the methods of covering them up—when I saw them.

I was halfway through sketching out a design for the first of the daggers when the workshop door opened and the bell dinged overhead. In strolled Leif, dressed again in dark clothes and a long jacket. The main difference between yesterday and today was the tight look in his eyes, a serious glint within. It instantly set me on edge.

“Morning,” he said, offering a wave of his hand and a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. Compared to his relatively friendly demeanor yesterday, this new Leif had me wishing for Mrak’s protection. Especially after last night.

If Mrak sensed the tension, he didn’t say anything or appear. My chest squeezed, yearning for him to be close in case of danger—and in case I missed him.

“Good morning,” I finally replied when Mrak still hadn’t responded. Considering how yesterday had gone, I was sure Mrak would be pissed to find Leif here again. “The sword isn’t ready, I’m afraid.”

Leif nodded, but it was a tight motion as his gaze scanned the room as if looking for something. He apparently came up short, though, because he released a heavy sigh and dug into his jacket. The motion slid up the sleeve of his jacket, revealing a freshly wrapped tattoo on his hand.

My stomach dropped. The design of that tattoo was the same ward that my attackers last night had had on their dagger hilts. The one that had kept Mrak away. No wonder he wasn’t here right now berating me about getting Leif to leave.

But how had Leif known to get a ward?

Demon hunting.That was what Mrak had said about Leif yesterday. That he seemed to be into that.

Which meant the men last night had likely been demon hunters, too.

Shit. What had I gotten myself into?

“I know it’s too early for the sword,” Leif finally said, drawing me back into the conversation. “I’m here on other business, actually.” Business that for all the world seemed to irritate him, if the cringe on his lips meant anything.

Leif went to withdraw something beneath his jacket, and I backed up a step. If he had a gun, there was nothing I could do. Fire couldn’t stop bullets. Maybe I’d get lucky and the weapon was just a dagger or something. “What are you reaching for?”

Mrak, I thought, hoping against hope the ward was too new to work. It was possible.If you can hear me, I may need you.

Leif glanced down at his hand, and his cringe only deepened. “There was a murder last night. Two, actually.”

And you got a new tattoo.

“It’s New York,” I replied quickly as my stomach churned. “There are always murders.”

Leif fished a folded piece of paper from the inside pocket of his jacket and held it out to me. “There is evidence you committed them. So while I previously commissioned work from you, I’m here today to arrest you for your crimes.”

My eyes widened and my feet itched to run. Suddenly, my workshop that had become a safe haven and a home over the past year felt like just another cage. Panic swept through me, putting me and my words into a stranglehold.

In my silence, Leif continued, although he didn’t advance on me. In fact, guilt wracked his features. “There is surveillance footage placing you at the scene. At this point, I’d advise you to come in peacefully. We can get you an attorney and have you cleared for self-defense.”

My thoughts spun. “You’re acop?” What the hell did a cop need with a rune sword? Guns worked just as fine on supernaturals. Especially silver and iron bullets.

Leif nodded. “I am. When I was here yesterday, it was in a personal capacity. Today, however…”

“You’re here to arrest me,” I finished for him. And with a ward keeping Mrak from swooping in to save me. How the hell had Leif known about him?

“Like I said,” Leif said carefully as he finally stepped toward me. “I saw the whole footage. The men cornered you. Attacked you. I get it. But killing people is still a crime. I’ll get you the best attorney.”

I blinked rapidly, trying to wrap my head around all of this. In the feeding community, violence had been a day-to-day occurrence, as common as breathing, and the only cops who’d stopped by had been those with a penchant for being fed on by vampires. Even I could admit to enjoying the specific kind of euphoria vampire fangs and venom produced.

But to willingly go into a literal cage again?

I shook my head. “I don’t know.”

Leif’s posture stiffened. “Listen, you seem like a quiet, hardworking woman. I get you had to do what you did. I’m trying to help you. But if I have to bring you downtown kicking and screaming, it won’t help your case.”

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