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His claw worked faster as another, thicker and longer than a human’s finger, entered me. My back arched as a wave of electrified pleasure coursed through me hard. Then he added a second claw, stretching me in a way I had not been before.

Every other time we’d gotten intimate, he’d only been able to manifest tendrils or a more humanoid form. This—thiswas something else entirely. Proof that Mrak’s power was growing stronger, and that our connection was, too.

Then his voice was in my ear, his mouth kissing my neck.“You will be able to touch me, Aisling. In time. But this, us, is still my duty. It is still our pact.”Mrak thrust his claws into me faster at his words.“I will take care of you, and you will scream my name.”

Pleasure coiled tightly within me like a spring ready to burst. When his lips found my breast again, I couldn’t help it anymore. His form flickered in and out around me, but all I could think about was how this must have looked from an outside perspective. Me writhing on a bed, talking to nothing, moaning in pleasure without touching myself at all.

Shadows had built around us, tendrils sprouting from the natural darkness in the room and coalescing into a single form above me, where Mrak was. Tendrils reached out from the shadow form and caressed me all over my body. My breasts, my throat, my hips. Holding me in place as Mrak had his way with me with his claws. A visible sign of him claiming me.

It was too much. I threw back my head and met my climax is it careened through me, my hips bucking off the bed as I came hard. My body convulsed, but Mrak and his shadowy tendrils cradled me, holding me as I melted before him.

“Will you let me claim you?”Mrak asked as my body continued to shake. Pleasure coursed through me in little waves.

Claim me? Mrak alreadyhadme. He’d given me his truths, he’d saved me, he’d been inside me. I wasn’t afraid that he was evil, that he wanted to hurt this world. I’d been more upset he’d kept it all from me. For one year, we’d been partners of sorts. That hadn’t changed because a cop had claimed Mrak was an evil demon.

I’d known that since day one. The only thing that’d ever changed was me forcing Mrak to let me in the same way I’d invited him into me.

“You’ve already claimed me,” I said, tears nearly pricking my eyes. Emotion welled in my throat. Because it was true. I was his. He was mine. And soon, I’d be his queen, too. “I only questioned you because I loved you. I didn’t want you to leave me.”

The building shadows above me continued churning as they lowered closer to me. Mrak’s lips captured mine again.“I will never willingly leave you, Aisling. And soon, I’ll be able to manifest my full form.”

The thought of that excited me in ways I hadn’t been excited in so long. It was like the possibility of sunrise after too long a night.

“So do it,” I challenged, smirking. “Claim me. I’m yours.”

Mrak growled loudly and the gathering of shadows shivered. They moved quickly, and I didn’t understand what was happening until I felt Mrak’s hard length between my legs. It was huge, much bigger than I’d ever seen. Nerves coiled within my belly, but they were swiftly chased away when Mrak’s claw returned to my most sensitive spot. I moaned, relaxing as he pressed his member against me. His tendrils teased my breasts and held my throat as Mrak slid within me for the very first time.

My back arched and I let out a ragged breath as he filled me. Stretched me. I’d been so ready, but the pressure as my body accommodated him stole my breath.

Mrak groaned my name as he slid in as far as he could.

I bit my lip and relished the feel of him claiming me. I’d always been aware of his touches and the delicious pleasure they’d had on my body. But this was the first time a part of me could actually hold him in a way, and gods, I loved every single second of it.

And then, Mrak moved. Pulling out and thrusting all the way back in.

I cried out in pleasure as his shadow tendrils played with my breasts and core. It felt like Mrak was everywhere, touching every part of me, as our hips moved in time. Slowly at first, but it wasn’t long before Mrak’s thrusts came quicker, more animalistic in his need, as if he’d been waiting for this moment just as long as I.

Mrak had never been able to manifest like this before. And the quicker our hips met, the deeper he thrust, the more solid his form became. Not his true monstrous form, but a more humanoid one. Shadow in nature, but with hands that held my hips and two red eyes that bore into me as he claimed me.

My pulse thundered in my ears as our bond soared to new heights. Strong enough to allow Mrak to manifest more fully, to hold that form long enough for both of us to enjoy the pleasure our connection created. Every part of my body felt alive and electrified, like the slightest touch would bring me screaming over the edge of another climax and yet nothing quite did—sensation overload. That was what it was.

That was when Mrak lifted me up into the air with tendrils of shadow, suspending me just high enough for him to slip underneath. I had no control at this angle, no way to really meet him thrust for thrust. But that seemed to be his goal as he pistoned into me with his huge length, hitting a sensitive area that had me screaming his name as my muscles squeezed tightly and my climax burst through me.

Mrak roared so loud, it shook the room. We came at the same time, him thrusting into me with one last powerful buck, and for a split second, I saw his true form again. The large powerful shadow with six red eyes, holding me above him as he sat on the bed.

Mrak’s form tensed, both of us breathing raggedly, before his true form flickered out again. And then the more humanoid one, leaving me sort of suspended by shadow a few feet above the bed.

Slowly, he lowered me to the mattress and I came back to myself from the bursts of pleasure.

I couldn’t see him anymore, only feel him as he pulled out and away from me. But in his form’s stead bloomed something warmer and more life-giving than even the sex we’d just had.

Love. Intense and burning. That was all it could be.

I loved Mrak. Neither of our pasts mattered from here on out. All that existed was the present, and what future we might be able to create out of it.
