Page 6 of Father Help Me

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“Are you alright?”

“What? Yes, of course. I’m fantastic.” I close my eyes to let myself feel everything. The water hitting my chest, the cool breeze on my face. Chris’ hands now around my waist.

“Are you getting cold again? I felt you shiver.”

“No. I mean, yes. My arms got cold for a minute.”

“Did you…”

“No. Gosh, no. You’d know if I got there. This does feel nice though, doesn’t it?” I climb off his lap reminding myself that he isn’t ready to have sex with me yet. He is the pastor of a church after all. Though, some days I wish we could forget all about that.

“I am glad we finally made it out here. It’s gorgeous. You’re gorgeous.”

“Thank you,” I repeat.

I watch his smile fade and mine shortly follows. “What’s up? You look like you have something to say.”

“I do. I’m just not sure how to word it.”

I hold his hand under the water. “Whatever it is, you can talk to me about it.”

“Have you talked to Peter?”

I can’t believe his name just came out of Chris’ mouth. My jaw drops. How could he even ask me that? I think maybe I’ve misheard him. “What?”

“Peter. Have you spoken to him in the past week or two?”

No, I definitely heard him right. “No, I haven’t talked to Peter. I would tell you if he tried to talk to me.”

I can see Chris’ shoulders relax. The tension in him evaporates. That question was killing him inside. I can see he’s been waiting for me to say that. “Why? Did something happen?”

“I saw him the other day.”

I can’t breathe. More questions. What has Peter told Chris? Where did they meet? Does he know what’s happening between Chris and me?

“He was waiting outside of the office for you last week.”

“He was? Just hanging around?”

“He said he had talked to you about getting together… that you guys had plans or something.”

“What? Why would he say that? I haven’t talked to him at all recently and then he just shows up claiming we have plans together?”

Chris shrugs. “I don’t know. I told him he had to leave, and he kept asking me if we were together. Over and over again. He was really caught up with it.”

Oh no. I can see it now. Peter going to my father to tell him that I’m with Chris. A stupid sly grin across his face. I’d be disowned. Chris would have to deal with the business as my father breaks off into his own company. My life would turn into a disaster.

“Well, what did you say?”

“I told him no, of course. I understand that people can’t know about us. Why would I tell Peter anything? I don’t trust him at all. I told him to leave.”

“And he did? Just like that?” I know Peter, he would never do anything someone tells him to. It’s something in him that can’t let people have the upper hand. Some days I thought his ears actually didn’t work. When I talked, it was like having a conversation with a wall.

“Well not before he told me he’d go find you. He said and I quote ‘Who knows what we’ll do’.”

“Ew. What is wrong with him?”

“I think he was trying to make me jealous. He was trying to egg me on, make me mad, or whatever. He kept insinuating that we had a relationship, no matter how many times I said we weren’t together.”
