Page 39 of Throttle

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Monday morning - May 23

“Good morning, everyone,” Hunter’s voice carries through the conference room he rented at the hotel the team was staying at.

We are gathered before we head back to the track. We’ve been in Indianapolis for the last week. Practices for the 500 started this past Tuesday. Qualification was this past Saturday, and we placed rather well at eleventh.

“Congratulations again, Haisley, on a top fifteen on the road course. Chad, great top ten,” Hunter continues. I glance over at Chad who smirks.

“It would have been you in the top ten if he didn’t push you out of the way and cause rubbing,” Elle whispers in my ear.

I nod and continue to plaster that fake smile on my face. “Shh,” I whisper back.

“Great things so far this week already. I’m glad to see all the media Haisley and Chad have been up to. Haisley, there’s another promotional shoot with Zander Donovan on Saturday,” Hunter reminds me.

“On my calendar,” I confirm.

Hunter continues on about what he expects from the teams, but all I'm focused on is the race in six days. I feel my phone vibrate and glance down at the screen to see a text from Saint.

Saint:What are you doing on Monday?

Me:Sleeping probably, why?

Saint:I’m having a little get-together at my house for Memorial Day. Wanted to invite you and Elle to come. Don't worry, Bud will not be there.

Me:I’ll think about it. Now shouldn’t we be focusing on the meeting and words of encouragement?

Saint:I’m running specs through my head right now, I barely pay attention at these things.

Me:Very honest of you.

Saint:What can I say? Honest and trustworthy.

Me:I agree.

I hear him chuckle under his breath and smile as Elle nudges my arm. I offer her a smile and turn back to Hunter. Not much else in the way of words that I haven’t already heard. He dismisses us, and Elle and I sit and wait for everyone to leave.

Unfortunately, Drake has decided to wait everyone out as well. I nudge Elle and motion to the door. There is nothing that I have to say to Drake at all.

“Haisley, I need to speak with you,” he says as I hit the threshold of the door.

I turn around and smile. “I’m sorry. I have a prior engagement, and I have nothing to say to you or discuss.” I grab Elle’s hand and pull her down the hall with me. I can hear Drake laughing behind us as I almost plow into Saint.

“Whoa, calm down a minute. What’s got you all riled up?” he asks as I shake my head.

“Nothing,” I reply.

“Drake,” I hear Elle murmur.

“Did he do something to you? Did he say something?” Saint questions as I can feel his body tense next to mine.

“Just being himself. Come on, let’s just get off this floor please,” I beg as I pull Elle closer to me.

“Alright, let’s go. I was going to grab some coffee at the Starbucks in the lobby, come on,” Saint replies, and I nod in agreement. We head to the elevator, and I can breathe once Drake is out of sight.

“Anyone want to tell me what just happened?” Saint asks as I take a few more deep breaths.

“I don’t know. His cocky smirk just invoked a panic attack of sorts,” I mumble as the elevator doors open.
