Page 61 of Throttle

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Two weeks later - July 1

“What the hell is going on with my car?” I call into the radio.

“You don’t know how to drive it?” Bud replies being as much of an asshole as he can be.

“Pretty sure I know how to drive, but thanks for that. It feels as if the entire car is off balance,” I bark back.

“The car was set-up before we left North Carolina,” Saint replies.

“I’m telling you that it’s not even close to what we practiced with in the simulator.”

“Simulations are fake. This is real driving,” Bud snaps into the radio. I just smile. Again, this is all part of our plan.

“Bring it in, and I’ll have Neil check the specs again. It passed initial inspection,” Saint replies.

“Roger. Be there in a minute,” I answer as I pull off into the pits. I kill the engine and hop out of the car as Mac and Neil approach the car. I wink at them and head to the pit box. “I’m telling you, there is something off with that car. It’s not handling well in the corners, and I played with the specs in the simulation.”

“Typical woman, not knowing what she’s talking about,” Bud huffs under his breath.

I smile to myself. He’s such an arrogant asshole. Instead of getting upset about it, I’ve decided to poke the bear for lack of a better term.

“I’m heading to the RV. When’s the second practice?” I ask Saint.

“Three-thirty,” he responds, and I give a thumbs up.

“See you then.”


“Did you see how he reacted this morning?” I ask Saint as we hang out in the RV after the day is over. We’re sitting on my bed in the back bedroom, away from prying eyes.

Elle walks back with the takeout we ordered, Mac trailing behind her.

“Did anyone see either of you heading back here?” she questions Saint and Mac.

“Not that I’m aware. I flashed the credentials Haisley gave me, and Bud and Drake were seen heading to the transport to the hotel,” Saint replies as everyone settles to sit on the bed.

“What did you decide on?” I ask Elle as I open some of the containers.

“Chinese. It was simple and quick. I wanted to get back as soon as possible.”

“It all smells so good,” I state. Saint curls up next to me with a plate full of food. Elle hands me a plate, and I serve myself an assortment from the containers.

“So, how’s the plan going?” Elle asks. She was busy doing damage control for her other client today and wasn’t on the track for most of the day.

“It’s going,” I answer looking at Saint. “We pulled off the first part of it during morning practice. Neil and Mac pretended to adjust, although they needed to adjust the specs because the car was off.”

“But it was off because someone messed with it just enough to not be noticeable,” Mac points out.

“I see. So, what’s next?” Elle inquires as we continue to eat dinner.

“Phase two, collect more data. See if I can get Drake to admit to anything,” I explain.

“A phase I don’t like,” Saint growls under his breath.

“He hasn’t spoken to me yet. Who knows if he’s even going to,” I respond. “Stop being so jealous.”
