Page 65 of Throttle

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“Oh my god! Is she awake?”

I nod and smile. “Barely, but her eyes are open. Call for the nurse.”

Elle runs out of the room and then back in moments later, a trail of nurses and doctors following. They all crowd around the bed, and I am pushed out of the way. Elle and I stand to the side and watch, embracing each other as the doctors do whatever it is that they are doing.

After what feels like an hour, the attending approaches us. “She seems to be fine now. I’m sure the light and sounds are going to be a lot for her. We will start her on a pain regimen, to help control any pressure in her head. I’m going to order a follow up CT scan now that she’s awake.”

“When do you think she can return home to North Carolina?” I ask.

The doctor shrugs. “A few days to a week or so. We need to make sure that she doesn’t have any major effects from the concussion. Visual disturbances are common, which lead to nausea and vomiting, headaches, etc. Let’s see how she’s doing in a couple of days.”

I nod and Elle thanks him as the staff filters out and we can sit by her side again. I grip her hand as Elle gently hugs her.

“You had us so worried,” Elle tells her as Haisley closes her eyes. “You alright?”

Haisley nods. “Light hurts,” she murmurs.

“That’s okay, sweetheart. Sleep, we’re not leaving,” I tell her, placing a quick kiss on her hand. Elle whispers something to her in her ear and sits back down. We let her sleep. I finally sleep.


One week later - July 15

“You need to relax and sit on the couch,” I instruct Haisley as she attempts to stand up.

“I’m fine. Jesus,” she replies as I give her a stern look. “What? I’m fine.”

“You are still having headaches,” I remind her.

“I’m not actually, not like before. Minor ones,” she offers back.

“Then that means you’re not supposed to be doing anything that will cause any issues with your head,” I remind her again. “You have a follow up appointment with the doctor next Friday.”

She finally sits back down. “I’m so freaking bored. I want to try the simulator.”

“Not until you are cleared,” I tell her as I bend down for a kiss. “I need to run to the shop. The officials from INDY are coming to examine the wreckage with us and report on what they found.”

“Be careful, please. If Bud had something to do with this...” she trails off.

“We don’t know if Bud had anything to do with the accident per se, but we know he messed with the setup to attempt to make you lose, so not a hundred percent sure about the accident,” I theorize back to her. “But I’ll be careful. Mac’s been doing recon.”

“Okay. I’ll wait here.” She holds up her hands sarcastically.

“Your Grams is here and has already been told that you are not allowed to get off the coach. Also, Elle is going to be home soon.” I smirk at her. “If you want to get cleared, follow the directions of the doctor.”

She salutes me. “Yes, sir.”

“Oh, how nice that sounds coming out of your mouth,” I whisper as I wink at her. “I’ll be back.”

This past week we were able to get her home from Cleveland and under the supervision of one of Charlotte’s best neurologists. Unfortunately, the closest we’ve been to being intimate are stolen kisses and cuddles. Yes, I said the word cuddles.

I jump in my truck and head towards the shop. I took vacation time for the last two weeks to be with Haisley. The drive was short, and I park where I normally do. I send a quick text to Mac.

Me:I’m here. Any word yet?

Mac:The officials just arrived with what’s left of the car. I’m not sure you are going to find anything.

Me:I’m sure they examined everything a thousand times already. I’m pretty sure that they know what caused the accident by now, or I wouldn’t have been required.
