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Correction, one was a throne and the other a chair.

“What the hell do you want? I was kind of busy,” I snapped.

“Oh, yes. Destroying my forest. I saw that. Very impressive.”

He took a sip as he sat on his throne, motioning for me to do the same. When I refused, the chair slammed against the back of my knees, making me fall into it. The mead spilled onto my pants from the movement.

“Tell me, Braxton. How exactly do you make the Dragon respond to your feelings?”

“There is nothing yours about that forest,” I spat instead. “This world stopped being yours when you turned evil instead of upholding your oath to protect its people.”

“You see, it’s been a while since I have witnessed that,” he continued as though I hadn’t even spoken, admiring the liquor in his glass. “The thing is, it only happens when a Dragon bonds with someone. The bond of soulmates. And there hasn’t been a bond like that since…”

“Since your own Dragon abandoned you?” It was a dangerous assumption to make, but I knew for a fact he had stolen Azazel from my father, and the Dragons had forsaken his cause the day of the Uprising. It made sense that his own soulmate had been one of them.

Raithian’s gaze sharply cut to me, and his nostrils flared with the rage my words caused.


“Is that why your face never healed? Because he wasn’t there to help you?” I doubled down, taking a sip of the mead, because apparently, I had a death wish.

I guess now we are two pissed off assholes.

In all honesty, I had no idea if every Dragon bond with Devenish blood worked like mine and Tharion’s did, but now that I knew it made me different, it explained a few things. I was part of the family the Dragon Gods themselves chose as rulers and protectors of the people of Caelisium, that had to give us some extra perks when it came to soulmates.

Power surged through the room, and wisps of green energy coiled around the Warlock King’s wrists, ready for him to fire. His grey eyes glowed green.


My gaze shifted to the way his muscles trembled as he tried to contain the anger, and he closed his eyes, taking a settling breath. A feeling coming from the window made me turn, and I found Tharion’s eyes snapping towards me, even when the rest of his body was frozen.

Our gazes connected and it was my turn to smirk. Getting pissed off was making Raithian lose control of the mindscape. Either that, or my Dragon was even more badass than I thought, and his need to protect me was making him break through Raithian’s hold. I had a way out of here after all. I just needed to enrage the shit out of this asshole.

When my attention returned to him, I found the energy wisps around his hands dispersing while he rubbed his palms over his bald head indulgently. Once his eyes opened again, the glow was gone. His left hand lingered over his disfigured cheek as his gaze focused on me.

“Hmm, my scar. You noticed that. Did you?” he mocked.

“Kind of hard not to,” I snorted, making his eyes narrow on me.

With a wave of his finger, the shirt was ripped from my body, and my chair turned slightly, letting him brazenly glance at my scars. “So are yours. Tell me, Braxton. How did you get those?”

Hand fisting, I rose from the chair, pushing it back harshly until the screech of the metal claw feet over stone echoed in the room. I was so close to punching the shit out of him. “I’m not your toy, so if you want to see something, ask.”

Amusement returned to him, and he stood as well, leaving his chalice on the armrest of the throne—mine remained in my grasp.

“My apologies, I am so used to getting my way that it seems I have forgotten my manners.” He stepped closer. “There is also the matter of not having anyone intelligent enough around to have a decent conversation with.” He openly gazed at my scars, the similarity between them not lost on him, or me. “How did you get those?”

“I’ll tell you my story when you tell me yours.”

He nodded as though it was a fair trade. “My Dragon shot his fire breath at me when he betrayed me and left me for dead.”

Holy shit. I hadn’t actually expected him to answer. “A Dragon attacked me too. Wrong place, wrong time.”

“And this was before Tharion claimed you as his own, I take it. Otherwise, he would have protected you, destroying the other beast.”

My eyes narrowed on him. “They are not beasts. And yes, it was before I met him… How do you know his name?”

That infuriating smile returned. “I know everything there is to know about this world, which is why I’m intrigued by you, Braxton. You are nothing like those miserably boring slaves I used to own. There is something different about you… Who are you?”
