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“I was your slave until I escaped. Now I’m the princess’ warrior.”

“So you say…” He began to walk again, gliding around me so smoothly that it seemed his feet weren’t even touching the floor. It was as though he was floating with power. “But here is the flaw in that answer. It doesn’t seem feasible. You see, those who now serve Princess Evanna still fear me. If they ever knew me as their master, I can still sense the fear in their hearts with my presence. Even under the layers of righteousness and disdain they…”

I tuned out his words as he walked behind me, and my attention discretely went to Tharion, who was now slowly moving his head towards the window. I wasn’t sure how he could see into the mindscape. Maybe it was our blood/soul connection, but his head was tilting, and the glint in his eye said he was about to light this motherfucker’s throne room with lava fire.

“On my signal…”I sent to him.

“And so, no matter how much they hate me, they are always frightened,” Raithian continued, reaching the front again, and our gazes held the other’s. “Nevertheless, there is no true fear in you. It is almost as though you aren’t truly aware of what I’m capable of. There is defiance in you, just like there is in the others, but—”

“Damn, you really do like the sound of your own voice, don’t you?”

Ire returned to his grey eyes. “I beg your pardon?!”

“You have that right. You are going to be begging for your life by the time Princess Evanna and I are done with you.”

Laughter escaped him, but it was derisive and filled with contempt. “Your bravery borders on stupidity, child,” he sneered, revealing how little patience he really had left for me. “Nevertheless, I didn’t bring you here to quarrel, I have a proposition for you.”

It was my turn to laugh at him, which only enraged him more. “It seems to me that if you think I would ever agree to a deal with you, then you are the stupid one.”

The green glow illuminated his irises a second before his hand smacked into my chest. The surge of power blew me back to crash against the ceiling. The mindscape was terrifyingly real; I felt every inch of the massive carved molding digging into my back when I hit it, then banged onto a desk, breaking it, and bounced to the floor… but I never let go of the glass chalice.

He materialized in a cloud of green smoke, crouching before me. “You fool!” The Warlock King raged like a mad man. His wild gaze focused on me. “Bow to me!”

“I’m going to end you, Raithian!” I vowed instead. “I will watch the life slowly escape through your eyes, but not before I take from you what you cherish the most. The one thing you live for… Power.”

“You insignificant—!"

His words cut off when I smashed the chalice against his head, dragging the broken pieces down his skin and slicing it open from his temple to his mouth. Sweet satisfaction swirled in my chest when his blood spilled, feeding my hatred for him.

I despised him even more now than I had before reading my mother’s letter.

“Now!” I shouted at Tharion, and the windows exploded with his fire breath.

The Warlock King’s head snapped up to see the fire lava shooting straight for him, and I must have hallucinated, because I saw true fear capture his face. He disappeared into green smoke before the fire got to him though.


The instant he vanished, I dropped to the ground, crashing over a pile of rocks in the forest just as Tharion shot at the throne room again. Except, it no longer existed. His fire breath reached the trees instead, igniting them.

“He’s gone! It’s gone,” I grunted, pushing myself up to realize all the injuries inflicted in the mindscape were actually on me. My shirt was gone, my hand bled from the broken glass I dragged over Raithian’s face, and I was sure one of my ribs was at least dislocated, if not broken, because it hurt like a bitch.

Tharion grunted too, like he was disappointed he hadn’t burned Raithian to death, and lowered his head to me, rubbing his nose against my back. He, too, could feel my injuries. Grabbing onto his jaw, I closed my eyes and rested my forehead against his skin, instantly feeling the energy exchange between us as he healed me.

Maybe it was my pride, but I loved seeing Tharion’s eyes glow gold as we connected. It never lasted long, but I realized that it was my energy within him that made it happen. My Dragon Eye glowed gold when I used my power, and through that power, so did my Dragons’. It was reassuring to visually see our connection.

Sighing in relief, I placed a thankful kiss on his nose and stood to see him huff, wiping the back of his hand over it to erase my gesture of affection. Chuckling, I glanced down to realize there was blood all over my chest, not only mine but Raithian’s too.

“Is there a lake or river close?” I asked, wanting to wash the blood off me as soon as possible.

The image of a small lake nearby appeared in my mind, and I knew Tharion had sent it.

“Lead the way.”

Turning around, he began to walk through the trees, I followed. We came out to a prettier landscape than what he had originally shown me, or perhaps, it was the way the moonlight shimmered over the water that made it prettier. Honestly, it was kind of romantic.

I should bring Evie here…

The thought awoke the ache in my heart, and my chest constricted, remembering how bad I had left things with her. This whole thing was messed up beyond belief, something our parents had inadvertently started, and life made it even worse for us.
