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Revulsion rushed to my throat, making me nauseous when I realized it was exactly like that. He had literally tasted my power.

Raithian’s unfocused gaze searched for his staff, which dropped from his grasp during the healing and now lay on the grass. He stumbled towards it, trying to pick it up without success. It would have been the perfect moment to attack him, kill him even, except I was just as affected by what happened to us. Whatever that was.

As I watched him, world tilted under my feet, and the ground swiftly met my shoulder. Exhausted and lightheaded, my head rested against the soft blades of green, but I still tried my best to push away the numbness and dizziness that coursed through me.

The staff pierced the ground across from me, and I noticed the Warlock King had finally reached it. However, the distance between us seemed way father that it had been. Had Raithian moved back? Had I? He was on his knees now, using the weapon to help himself stand once more.

Good idea.

My hand reached for the retractable spear on my belt, but it was no longer there. I had probably lost it during the scuffle back at the mountain, or during our flight away from the others.

“Get up, Soulris. Get up!!”

A voice shouted into my mind, but I couldn’t recognize it. Nevertheless, it was right. I needed to get up before the bastard got his wind back and blamed me for this, shooting me or worse. The world tilted violently but I ignored it, pressing my fists onto the dirt and pushing myself to my knees. Crawling to the closest tree, I pulled my body up until I could stand.

Fuck. What the hell had I done?

My limbs trembled from the power still rushing through me. No. Not my limbs, my every cell. Slight tremors coursed through me, and I clung to the trunk behind me, resting my back against it to keep me upright.

It was too much for my core to contain.

Too much light. Too much magic. Too much power.

If it was just my magic, newly awakened magic, how could it possibly overwhelm me like this? Unless… it wasn’t just mine. Had our Devenish powers recognized each other’s energy and somehow connected?

My gold-tinted gaze shifted to Raithian to see him stagger to one side, but the staff helped him stay upright. He shook his head, willing the effects of whatever had happened to us to go away.

Blinking over and over, I shook my head too, forcing the daze to leave as well as the golden light hindering my vision. It began to work, but not fully, and not quickly enough for my liking—or my safety.

Straightening, Raithian cupped the sphere, its energy igniting and flowing into him. The exchange seemed to take away most of his stupor, and he glanced towards me, astonished.

“What did you do?” His question wasn’t accusatory but filled with amazement. A hand lifted to his face to find nothing but smooth skin where I had sliced it open, but when it moved to the other side and my gaze focused enough, both of our eyes widened in shock.

The skin disfigured long ago had also healed.

“Do you know what this means?” he asked, fully turning to me while I desperately tried to force the dizzying light away from my head.

I needed to snap out of it. NOW.

A feeling aching to ravage thirst and bewilderment transformed his features. “I think you are a—”

Something crashed to our left the next instant, sending both the Warlock King and I onto our asses from the earthquake-like ripple the blow caused.



A Dragon.

His form landed so abruptly and with such force that his body slid over the grass. Our heads whirled to the new threat, noticing his front claws had pierced the ground where it touched down, helping the top of his body stay in place while his bottom end slid to a stop several yards behind me. Huge trees tumbled to the ground like pins under a bowling ball until the Dragon righted himself without even blinking, standing tall between Raithian and I.

Mouth dropping, I scrambled to my feet. This wasn’t a wild or “savage” creature. His landing had been precise, and so perfectly calculated that it belonged in aMission Impossiblemovie.

The lavender-tan Dragon growled in warning to Raithian, his wings opening wide between us to protect me from him. The shock of his arrival sobered me, if nothing else, helping me shake the rest of the daze affecting my being.

Immediately, my attention snapped back to where Venom had collapsed, to find him moaning and stirring. He was waking up; Raithian must have lost his hold on him with everything that happened. Running towards Venom, I wrapped my arms around his jaw.

“Come on, you can do this. Get up,” I urged, throwing a look over my shoulder at the new Dragon. He was keeping the enemy at bay, but Raithian didn’t seem to care one bit. His eyes were focused on me from under the massive wing.
