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Seeing the world through my golden vision was like nothing I’d ever experienced. It was my magic taking hold of me, and because of that, I could see the mystical energy that lived on all things around me.

An enchanting shimmer sawed over the land for the most part—the seas, the pastures, the trees—because every inch of Caelisium possessed magic deep in its core, but every so often, there were these bursts of magnificent, radiant light.

The Dragons.

Somehow, I could see their mystical essence long before their forms became visible to my mortal eyes, and it was the most astonishing thing I had ever experienced. I was speechless. It felt like I had spent my entire life living in darkness, blind, and I could finally see.

A greyish light in the sky called my attention, and my gaze shifted from the glowing gods scattered all around us on the horizon. To fully face it, I turned over my new friend’s back just as both him and Venom hissed.


His imposing form became bigger the closer he flew to us, however, unlike the other majestic beings, he didn’t glow with brilliant magic. His aura wasn’t golden and vibrant. It was grey and dull… as though it was depleting.

Confusion and concern flowed through me when he came our way, yet his gaze never searched our path. No. He seemed… hypnotized. Bright green eyes focused ahead, towards the forest I had just escaped. Both Venom and my new friend veered to the left, giving him a wide berth to avoid him at all costs, but something inside me knew he wouldn’t attack. He was being pulled by something.

The memory of Raithian’s sphere becoming bright with green power before I left returned, and I realized he had been calling his ride to him.

Stunned by the reach the Warlock King’s power truly had, summoning Azazel from so far away like that, I focused on the four-headed beast. His second neck on the left was punctured and bleeding from Tharion plunging his horns into it, the head that belonged to it leaned sideways a little, struggling to keep itself up while its eyes blinked slowly.

Right before he passed us, a scorched red mark called my gaze to the left side of his torso, where a blistering burn still held the remnants of Tharion’s fire lava. It was sticky and turning a dark greyish black—like the dried magma of a volcano.

He flew right by us, like we weren’t even there.

The sight made my gut tighten with worry, what state would my Dragon be in when I returned to our mountains? Was he even alive? New urgency coursed through my being, and I closed my eyes, holding tightly to my new friend’s horn.

In the darkness of my mind, threads of light surged to life instantly, expanding and rushing to a thousand places all at once. Shimmering, the spider web formed before me, yet, as it did—its lines thick and alive like snakes of gold—I realized the most important thing. Something hidden from my human mind all this time.

It wasn’t a spider web to which I was connected.

It was a family tree, and I was part of it.

A Dragons’ lineage I belonged to thanks to Tharion and my dad, one that was billions of years long.

Overwhelmed with shock and awe, I snapped my eyes open, seeing the lineage stay with me. Each thread throbbed like veins with pure golden magic, extending to all the glowing auras my eyes were able to see.

I was an extension of them, and they were an extension of me.

Urgency cut through the wonder, and I closed my eyes to concentrate, searching for Tharion among those ancestry lines. To my surprise, I found him right above the place I occupied, just as my father would be. It made sense, after all, he’d basically given me life. It was because of him that my father was healed, and my mom was able to get pregnant.

Focusing on his thread, I found it throbbing with golden light too, and the breath lodged in my throat heaved out of me. He was alive. Unfortunately, his light wasn’t as bright as the others. It was dull and pulsing much slower than the rest. He was hurt, and he needed me.

A new sense of urgency cut through me like the cold blade of an icy dagger.“Please hurry, my friend. Tharion is badly hurt. He needs me.”

The Dragon nodded as my words reached his mind.“You better sit down and hold on.”

Following his instructions, I settled on the natural curve of his neck, holding onto the natural harness a moment before his tail flaps rotated and he lunged forwards.

The instant I touched his scales, placing both palms on them, his energy surged through me freely, and mine flowed into him. The exchange began, and his pulsing thread became alive in my golden vision, connecting us with the thousands, no, millions of Dragons in the realm.

It was so humbling to be part of such an incredible and endless bloodline of magical beings.

It occurred to me then that this beautiful creature had saved both Venom and I from whatever Raithian might have done after discovering my power, and was now helping me get back home when I still didn’t even know his name.

“Who are you, my friend?”I sent through our connection.“Why did you help me?”

I expected his response to come through as words, given that since my magic had awoken, I could now understand them as clearly as I could any person. Instead, a flutter of images flashed in my mind. Memories.
