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Khayden Skystorm, our Harbinger of Justice, under the ancient vows of blood and honor, you must swear this to us. Should our final battle with your Sky Legion against Raithian be lost, should anything go awry and your life be in danger, you will immediately retreat from the fight, shield your wife, Keira, and take her with you to the Mirror World.

You will not hesitate. You will not question. You will not doubt.

You shall not look back on what you are leaving behind, Brother, but forwards to the new hope you are sheltering and growing for our people and a free future. That is your new duty.

If the two of you break this oath, your betrayal will be cleansed with your life.

We, King Ezra and Queen Sienna, hold you to the ancient laws as our warriors and subjects, and with the mark of your life source below, this blood oath shall be forever sealed.

Let it be so.”

Both shock and confusion rolled like a wave over the guard once I finished, and Harrison stepped forwards, extending his hand in a silent plea to see the accord for himself. I obliged, handing it to him.

His eyes widened the second they fell on the bottom of the parchment. “It is signed by them, and sealed with their blood,” he confirmed, showing the letter to his brothers and sisters.

“So, he never really abandoned us?” Finn asked, still trying to grasp everything that I had just revealed.

“No. He didn’t. The Harbinger left because he received a new mission from my parents…”

I glanced at Braxton, wishing that I could say more, but his pleading eyes begged me to wait.

“A mission that was more important than anything he ever did for us, and so, he kept his word to my parents. When the Warlock King took control of Azazel, he knew everything had changed. Our chance of winning the Great Battle instantly evaporated, and being held by his king and queen to theblood oath, the Harbinger was forced to leave us. What happened afterwards was a result of Raithian’s cruelty and hate. Not the Harbinger of Justice’s fault.”

Fletcher handed the accord back to me once it made its way through the warriors, Asher’s acceptance of the facts coming swiftly as he nodded.

“I will ask this of you. Take the time you need to process this revelation and accept it as true. However, I declare the Harbinger of Justice’s name clean of the accusations which tarnished it so many years ago. Today, I restore his memory in honor as the greatest warrior our cause ever had the privilege to call one of our own.”
