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Murmurs spread through the warriors, mostly words of awe and bewilderment, which was expected. I also presumed there would be many questions about what the secret mission had been, but I hoped Braxton was ready to tell them his part of the story by then, so they would finally understand.

Braxton offered me a nod, as though he was thinking the same, and in silence we all entered the castle.

“Chief, I would like a chance to speak to you later, in private,” Braxton asked once we stopped on the sixth floor, and all the members of my guard went into their respective rooms—with Elijah carrying Harper to their shared quarters.

My guardian’s gaze narrowed on my mate, and I almost rolled my eyes. “Later,” he agreed, “once you tell us everything that happened with the Warlock King after you left.”

With a nod, Braxton, Kingston, and I went up to the seventh floor, walking straight towards my room. Willow stood at the entrance of her room, calling my attention, and I veered from my path to go to her. She had returned from the ceremony with Hannah, on her horse, but went inside the castle with the other people who had attended, not waiting for us. I suspected that had something to do with Braxton.

“I safeguarded this for you,” she offered in a small voice, the hurt coloring her raspy words, and handed me my parents’ letter.”

“Thank you. I wished you would have stayed to hear what I had to say to the warriors.”

Her lustrous onyx strands swayed against her cheeks as she shook her head. “Not with him there.” She threw a reluctant glance at my mate, her eyes widening when she noticed the unnatural gold light that illuminated his.

His eyes had been glowing that way since he arrived, it was much softer now, but it still hadn’t gone away. A heavy sigh left me, knowing Willow might blame him for Penelope’s death too. It was just her pain taking hold of her otherwise beautiful and understanding soul, but I knew how much she hurt, so I had to give her some time.

“I still need you to listen to what I have to say. It is important you learn the truth, but we can talk tomorrow. Just the two of us, okay?” Pulling her closer, I hugged her tightly, feeling her embrace me the same way, and then squeezed her hand. “Go get some rest before dinner. It will help.”

Once she nodded, I watched her go into her room and then followed Kingston and Braxton into my quarters.

“Tell me everything that happened,” I urged the second I stopped in the center of the space, but his gaze fell to my neck. “I’m okay,” I assured, but he would have none of it.

“Let me check on you,” Braxton insisted, and Kingston agreed.

With a resigned sigh, I lifted my gaze to the ceiling so Braxton’s touch could roam my skin, internally cringing from the pain the mere movement of looking up ignited. When his fingers reached me, pain shot through my neck instantly, and I flinched away from him, unable to stop it.

Concern filled his expression, followed by hate for the one who had done this to me.

“It’s fine. I am fine,” I lied. It felt like needles were piercing my skin in every direction while flames licked along my throat, scorching me.

When my mate’s hands returned, the image of Raithian’s light rope shooting towards me and wrapping around my neck awoke, bringing back the fear and helplessness I felt with every inch the rope tightened, robbing me of breath. I had felt so powerless in that moment, unable to fight back, unable to rip away the binding placed on me.

It was the most terrifying thing I had ever felt, and I never wanted to experience that again.

Instinctively, I took another step back, escaping Braxton’s touch.

Kingston suddenly came to my side, as though something had happened, and I turned to see Braxton’s blood drain from his face at my reaction. Confused, I blinked, realizing only then that I hadn’t just stepped back, I had pushed my mate away from me. My arms were still held up before me protectively, to keep a distance between us.


“I’m sorry,” I blurted, horrified, lowering my arms. Turning away from them, I forced myself to breathe, feeling Kingston’s touch gently fall on my shoulders.

“Are you alright?” His voice was filled with despair, and I hated that I had lost control of my emotions and worried him so.

Facing him again, I took a settling breath. “Yes, I was just startled for a moment. But I am fine.”

My gaze searched beyond him for my mate, expecting him to be right next to me too. Instead, I found him standing on the other side, still in the place I had pushed him to. It was as though my actions had frozen him in place.

“I am so sorry,” I whispered, walking towards him and nestling myself against his chest, hoping he would embrace me like I needed him too.

Thankfully, his arms wrapped around me without hesitation, and his body relaxed, holding me to him as he kissed the top of my head.

“I hate that he did this to you so much, I just want to rip him to pieces.”

“I know,” I murmured, pulling away to look up at him while I caressed his chest. The powerlessness I had felt reflected in his eyes now, and I hated that he felt that way.
