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“You are more important than everyone out there combined, Evanna,” I offered instead, not even caring that it sounded kind of wrong. “And I’m here for you. Even if I can’t fully put myself in your shoes, or fathom what you have faced since your parents died. Even when I haven’t experienced the same kind of unimaginable loss. You have me to hold on to. To support you.”

My hand lifted to her cheek, and I pressed my forehead to hers.

“You have my ears to listen, and my arms to hold you whenever you need them. You have me to stand strong next to you, and if you ever decide it is finally okay to let go—and I promise the day will come when it is okay for you to just take care of you—I’ll be there. I love you too, and this is not all on you anymore. This isourkingdom now,ourresponsibility, and we will free this world together. Whatever we face from now on, we face it as one.”

Evie pulled me to her, her lips crashing against mine. I kissed her deeply in return, feeling her arms wrap around my neck while my hands splayed over her waist and back, pulling her closer to me. Relief coursed fiercely through my being as we embraced each other, and she gave in to me.

I would be there for her, patiently welcoming every inch she released to me, until she finally surrendered, never needing to hide who she truly was again. Not from me, nor from anyone else.

“You know,” I whispered between kisses. “There are other parts of my body that want to be there for you too.” Nibbling on mine, her mouth curled into a cheeky smile. “In fact, they are more than ready to be there for you. You just say the word and they’ll be standing at attention.”

Evie’s chuckles danced against my lips a moment before she pulled away to look into my eyes. “Hold that thought. Right now, we have something more important to do.”

My brow lifted, and I curiously stared at her. “Like what?”

“I want you to take me to see Star.”

Our steps echoed in the falling night as we climbed the never-ending stairs to the honeycombs. The only sound in an otherwise eerily quiet city. A blanket of sadness fell over it, stealing the usually bustling atmosphere.

We could have flown to the lairs, but Tharion and Venom were resting after the ordeal they had to endure at Raithian’s and Azazel’s hands. As were Luna, and all the other Dragons attacked during the encounter. Vyper and Draco still hadn’t emerged from their transformation into adulthood, and Aeramen was still just a baby—a huge ass baby, but here we were.

Sooner than we realized, Evie and I made it to the top, and my hold tightened around her hand, offering her comfort when I began to guide her towards the lairs. She had never been allowed here by Luna, a barrier all Dragons had firmly placed with their riders. That was, until I brought Kingston to Spartan’s cave and forced them to accept each other there, based on the love they already shared. Honestly, that needed to change for all of them.

Shadows extended all around us, and each lair we passed seemed the same—completely void of life, empty, but I knew the inhabitants lay in their gloomiest depths, needing to recuperate. Not only physically, but spiritually too.

Their chorus of ghost voices had welcomed me the moment my foot landed on the very first step. A haunting song of mourning and loss so beautiful and heart wrenching that it had stolen my breath. A chilling shudder rushed down my spine, sending goosebumps all over my skin.

I felt their sorrow. I grieved with them, but right now Evie needed me, so I focused on her.

As we approached Luna’s cave, a world of aching gripped my chest, reminding me of how she’d thrown me out of it when I went against her wishes. I’d entered the secret part of her lair in my desperation to check on Vyper and Draco. It made me realize that Star and Evie’s relationship was not the only one that had been strained, and I needed to make it right with Luna.

A mama bear had nothing on a mama Dragon, and I had broken her rules.

We passed Luna’s dark cave, stopping at the previously empty one next to it, where Star now resided. Kissing Evie’s hand, I motioned for her to wait outside, seeing the nerves rise to her chest as she nodded.

Surprisingly, the moment I stepped into the space my eyes became alight again—the dim, golden sight guiding my way to Star’s side. The deeper I walked, the more the darkness began to disappear, Star’s glow chasing it away until I found her laying against the wall, curled in on herself.

“Are you okay?” I asked out loud, seeing her attention remain on the small bonfire she had set.

Surely, she had sensed my presence the second I stopped in front of her lair, but she didn’t seem bothered by me, or even appeared to care. To be honest, what she seemed was heartbroken.

Stepping closer, I lifted my hand to her neck, caressing her with love and appreciation. The gesture made her finally shift her head towards me, her gaze finding me as she sent a wave of appreciation back through our connection… and then she licked me.


“Seriously! Dragons really need to stop slurping on me!”

Star’s lips twitched with amusement, and she nuzzled my stomach.

“Okay, you are forgiven.”My hands lifted to her, rubbing the bridge of her nose.“I brought you a gift. Do you want it?”

Her gaze filled with curiosity as she reared back.“A gift? For me?”

I smiled at her, loving that she was talking again.“Yep, she’s just outside. Probably wondering if you ate me yet.”

That made Star narrow her eyes, though humor still danced inside them.“Dragons don’t eat Soulris.”

“So you say… but every single one of you keeps licking me. So, forgive me if I’m not entirely convinced.”I chuckled when she snorted. The mischievous smirk that took over her mouth, reminded me of my Vyper.“Actually, she is probably wondering if you want to see her again after so many years.”
