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I, Braxton Skystorm, vow Raithianwillwrithe and scream at my hand… And I will not stop until he begs me to kill him.

That is my blood oath to you…”

A chill ran through my veins, cooling my blood on contact. Not because of the unquestionable strength in his words, but because his purpose fueled mine. I was raised to know when forgiveness and clemency were merited, this was not the case.

Raithian deserved nothing but to experience the same terror he had forced on all of us, and once the day came when Braxton and I were face-to-face with him, ready to deal the final blow, I would stand proud beside my mate, plunging the sword with him.

Also, Braxton had just become 1000% hotter to me.

Shocked tears fell from my friend’s eyes when I lowered the letter, and she took it from me, trembling hands holding it as she checked the parchment to find Braxton had sealed the oath.

“He signed it in blood,” she gasped, glancing up at me in pure bewilderment. “Does he know what this means?”

“He does,” I assured.

Willow’s shiny onyx braid fell over her shoulder as she shook her head, unwilling to accept it. “It can’t be possible. He cannot know what this means, or he would not have promised this to me. I—”

“He knowsexactlywhat it means for him,” I reiterated, placing my hand on hers. “That is why he made this oath to you. That is how much you mean to him, and how certain he is that together we will win this fight.”

Her expression softened, another tear falling before she squeezed my hand. “But I don’t want him to die too…”

“Then you should tell him that.” I offered her a loving smile. “I’m sure it will mean a lot for him to hear it.”

Pretending to huff, I stood from the chair and began to smooth my skirt again. “Now, will you, or will you not join me today? The preparations for my coronation have already started, and I have not a clue what else I need to do.” My brows furrowed. “I don’t even know if what I did already is what I was supposed to do.”

Wiping away the tears, my friend glanced from me to the letter, folding it tightly, and storing it safely in the drawer. With a settling breath, she regained her composure and stood, finger combing the strands I left loose to frame her face.

“Of course, I’ll take care of the arrangements. You would forget your head if it weren’t attached to your neck.”

A brilliant grin curved my lips, just as she offered me a small, appreciative smile and reached for me. I embraced her tightly, letting her hold me as long as she needed. It was the least I could do. Willow had always been there for me.

* * *

After spending half the day being fussed over by Willow, sitting through interviews, and choosing theladies of the courtwho would serve me once I was queen, as well as standing still while she took new measurements for my dresses and cut patterns, one thing was for certain—I was not born to deal with all this pomp and circumstance.

I longed to be out there with Braxton and the Dragons, wanting to see what other abilities he was learning or developing while I was stuck here.

Hurrying to my room, I changed into my riding outfit, held my hair in a fish braid, and rushed back outside. Chuckles echoed behind me as Islay, Harrison, Finn, Fletcher, and Arlo hustled to keep up with me.

“They are in the private training area, in the back of the kingdom,” Harrison informed, and we took one of the back doors of the castle to get to them faster.

When my eyes finally fell on my mate, I found him standing in the middle of the marked circle, in a battle stance, while Harper, Fletcher, and Hanna tried to push him down. Muscles rippled across Brax’s arms, chest, and thighs with the pressure, but they would not budge.

Asher remained to the side, a satisfied grin on his face while my guardian regarded Braxton with the glint of a proud father in his eyes. He really did love him. Imogen enjoyed the show next to them.

“You actually taught him your secret stance?” I asked Asher in surprise, taking my place next to him.

He puffed his chest. “I have. Though I’ve never shared it before.”

“I know,” I added, smiling too.

Our commander was famous for being a wall of rock. Once he took up his battle stance, it was as though every inch of his body turned to stone. No one had ever been able to make Asher stumble. Well, except for Braxton when he unknowingly used his Dragon strength to punch Asher’s hand the first time he ever trained.

My eyes found Harper now landing flying kicks onto my mate’s chest to break his posture. Still nothing. “Okay, that is enough!” I shouted from where I stood. “I don’t want you to spoil the goods.”

Laughter burst from the Elevated Warriors, and they pulled back while Braxton narrowed his eyes on me, lips twitching.

“I’m fine,” he shouted back, letting go of his stance while rubbing the spot Harper had kicked.
