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“Go, Brother!!” The warriors shouted from below, but I didn’t let it distract me.

Using the momentum, I landed on a crouch on Tharion’s back, running towards the saddle.

“Fuck yeah!” I shouted when I finally sat on his neck, adrenaline rushing through me wild and unbridled. There was nothing like the feeling of riding a Dragon, but this made it ten times more intense.

“Yeah!” Someone shouted from below, and I found the chief fist pumping the air, which he quickly concealed by stretching his arms back and scowling.

Grinning, my attention turned towards Evie.

“Well done!” she offered from where she sat on Star.

“Don’t even try that with me. I saw you laughing!” I shot back. “You are going to pay for that.”

A mischievous glimmer entered her eyes right before she blew me a kiss.

After a few failed attempts, and saves from their Dragons, Harper, Asher, Arlo, and Elijah successfully mounted their rides mid-flight, and we took off—leaving the mountain towards the Greenlands for a new lesson.

Sky riding.

It wasn’t lost on me how weird it felt to fly in a formation when a part of us was missing. Penelope and Ember. Yet, they had sacrificed their lives so we could keep going. I was learning all of this for them. I fought for them.

Through the short flight, the strange feeling that someone was watching us weighed on me. I searched the horizon and forest, even used my Dragon Eye to view the lands from every Dragon’s perspective, but nothing. I couldn’t find anyone. We were alone…

The feeling never went away though.

“Sky ridingwas created for one purpose and one purpose alone,” Imogen began, Midnight stopping before us once we all hovered over the open, green pastures. “To utilize every weapon available to you in battle for the best strategy possible.” She shrugged. “Is it fun? Of course, darling. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take it seriously. Dragons are a weapon at our disposal and being able to switch between them in a situation of danger, or when the move creates an advantage for us, is crucial.”

She stood on Midnight’s neck, walking to the center of her back.

“There are only two rules tosky riding—One, choose your next ride carefully. And two, trust that a Dragon will always be there to catch you.Always. These are the most magnificent creatures in the realm. They were created to protect, and even if we don’t all share a blood bond with them—like our prince does—they will give their life for us without a second of hesitation. You can always count on that.”

Preparing for what was next, the Dragons shifted in the air, creating a circle of sorts. Tharion, however, remained in the same place, and it occurred to me then that maybe he didn’t want me to do this.

Before I could ask him, he tilted his body, and shook me off him. SHOOK ME OFF HIM, dropping me towards the ground. The dangerous, way too far from us, ground.

“Aaah!!” Evie’s scream of horror echoed mine.

Something swept me off the air the next second.


My boots landed on his scales, and I dropped and rolled on his back, not on purpose, as he soared into the sky. Humor crashed into my chest, and I crouched on his back to see Tharion’s chest shaking in the distance. He was laughing at me.

“That was NOT funny!”I growled, glancing back to find Evie breathing in relief once more. He almost gave her a heart attack.

“I thought it was funny,”he answered.“Venom thought so too.”

“I enjoyed it.”

They chuckled at my expense, meeting in the sky just as the others began to jump and switch rides mid-air.

Ignoring them, a new thought occurred to me.“Were you the one following us?”He nodded, but the feeling of being watched was still there, prickling its way along my spine.

“Are you ready?”Tharion asked, giving me a choice this time.

Standing, I caught him shooting straight towards us to catch me.

“Yes!”I answered through the link and took off, leaping off Venom’s form.Drop and roll. Drop and roll. I reminded myself once airborne, and landed between Tharion’s wings, dropping, and rolling towards his tail.
