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An image suddenly flashed in my mind—Star flying towards me from behind us. Without questioning it, I stood and lunged myself off Tharion, seeing Harper, Elijah, and Evie doing the same in the distance. As Spike, Athina, and Fulgur caught them, I landed on Star, who swept under Tharion as promised.

That time I rolled into a crouch, standing with the momentum for the first time. I was starting to get the hang of it. It was scary as hell, but also AMAZING!

“Was that you?”I asked her, referring to the heads up I’d received, and she nodded.“Thank—"

My mind lit up with the sight of Alkor, in its full black and yellow multi-horned glory, flying underneath Star to our left.

I changed directions and jumped. Missing his longer horns by a second, I made it to his neck, and ran towards his back, waiting for the next Dragon to tell me it was coming. When Spartan’s thoughts entered my mind, I stepped onto Alkor’s wing when it lowered and let myself plunge. Spartan’s brown scales met my boots a few seconds later.

Laughter surged from the depth of my lungs, honest, indulging, and light, adrenaline bursting from my pores. I couldn’t ask for much more. This was the stuff dreams were made of.

Crouching over Spartan, I glanced around me to see where the others were. The warriors laughed too, flipping in the air and performing acrobatics while they switched from ride to ride. I wasn’t at that level yet, but I had actually made it from Dragon to Dragon without dying, so that was a plus.

Except, I wasn’t choosing my “next ride” as Imogen suggested, the Dragons were choosing me.

My eyes found Evie spinning in the air like a pro. A full grin captured her lips while her blond strands slipped out of her braid, dancing around her. Tharion caught her the next instant, lifting her above the others like the queen she was.

Rising to her feet, she glanced at him—stunned he had gone to her—but soon lowered to one knee and stroked his neck. Her touch sent warmth through Tharion and into me, and a bright smile lit my face.

Suddenly, the prickling feeling returned, much stronger now. Much closer. My Dragon Eye ignited, using the different perspectives to search the area. I needed to make sure we were safe here, the last thing we all needed now that we were feeling like ourselves again, was another encounter with Raithian.

Startled, I watched as the scene changed from the eyes of those within our circle to one in the distance. A Dragon watched us from among the trees, where the Greenlands met the Woodlands. Yet, when I reached for him through my essence, I found only a void where his glowing branch should have been.

Disconnecting from the strange Dragon’s sight, I whirled over Spartan to look for him where he hid in the forest. My blood turned cold as five, glowing green eyes appeared among the foliage, four large heads slowly rising and falling like a snake’s…


Alarm captured me whole, my mouth opening wide to shout at the others to go, until I realized he wasn’t flying towards us. He just watched me, remaining hidden between the mammoth trees. It didn’t stop my heart from thundering in my chest wildly, half expecting him to attack and burn down half the Woodlands with one combined breath.

He never did.

Instead, the four-headed beast turned around, slowly making his way out of there, flying low so no one else could see him. Only me.

* * *

The sun slowly hid behind the mountains as our rides turned sideways to slide through the crack and into the entrance to the Hidden Kingdom. We all landed on the private training grounds once more, the joy we felt during such a breathtaking day still lingering among us.

Something I was grateful for after everything we had endured in the last few days.

I still questioned why Azazel had gone all the way there but didn’t attack. He’d only watched me. The Warlock King hadn’t been anywhere in sight either. Had he sent the beast to spy on me, see what I was up to? Probably. Unfortunately, I had no answers, so I decided not to tell the others that Azazel had been there. It was better to let them enjoy the little bit of peace we had somehow found after the tragedy.

If today had taught me anything, it was that after being initiated by the Dragons as their prince, the easier it became to use my Dragon and Wizard essences, and the more I craved that connection. It felt so natural, like I’d always been in control. Perhaps, that also meant the use of my Devenish magic would become easier for me too. I hoped so, because I had a lot to learn about that part of me, no one to teach me, and nowhere near enough time to master it.

Standing on the talon of Venom’s wing, I balanced myself as he lowered me to the ground—just like I’d seen Luna do with Evanna countless times. Another trick of my father’s.

Once down, I hurried to my woman’s side, gripping her waist to carry her the rest of the way down, and kissed the smile off her lips. The others dismounted around us, gathering near the shah’s pond.

“Thank you, handsome warrior,” Evie teased. “How am I ever to repay you?”

“I can think of a few ways.”

Kingston’s throat clearing interrupted us when he walked past us, and I chuckled. He was enjoying it now; I was sure of it. My gaze followed him until he settled on the large boulder next to the pond, Imogen, and the others reuniting with theland ridersthere too. The Dragons lazily settled all around the private training area, not ready to return to their lairs.

“Quick, give me a kiss before Kingston looks over here,” I joked, speaking loud enough for him to catch it, and the others laughed.

I stole the kiss from her lips before she could react, even though she would have given it freely. It was more fun that way.

“Get your hands off the princess!”
