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With disgust, he recognized that in no small way, he was his father’s son. This very moment, anger welled within him so strongly he didn’t even want to look upon the marvel of the construction in front of them. Whatever name he was known by now, Sideris blood, full of fire, ran through his veins.

It can be controlled.Don’t be like him.

He knew without a doubt if he pushed her about staying, about marrying him, she would want to run.What do I have to give her?

“Very well, Helen. I’ll attend Pen’s gathering tomorrow night.”


During their evening walk, Helen’s entire being awoke after a month of stasis. Nicholas’s body wasn’t simplythereanymore. His powerful muscles flexed under her hand as they strolled, calling her attention. Her eyes were drawn to his throat when he swallowed, to his sublime mouth when he smiled.

This past month, his presence had been a steady comfort to her. He had grieved with her; he had wrapped around her at night, reminding her in word and deed she was not alone. During that time, though, she’d barely felt her own body, and appetite of any kind was dormant.

Making their way home through Hyde Park, she longed to strip off his shirt and run her hands over his chest, to press herself against him and know more than his sweet patience—she wantedhimagain.

But as they walked home that last half hour, however, the vibrancy siphoned from her once more. The final drain was remembering the newspaper article and wondering whether the butler had disposed of it. As disappointing as the looming fatigue was, it was also unstoppable. When they arrived home, instead of taking Nicholas upstairs to her bed chamber to ravish him as planned, she ate and drank a small amount, then turned in, falling asleep quickly and deeply.

It was dark when Nicholas slid into bed. Without waking fully, she luxuriated momentarily in his nude form wrapping around her from behind, then returned to sleep, where they slumbered side by side.

An untold time into the night, she traveled along the edges of a sensual dream and reality, combining the torrid images in her mind with the actual closeness of her lover pressed against her. The weight of Nicholas’s arm around her waist transformed; in her dream, the pressure came from his hands, holding her while she straddled and rode him.

Helen’s hips undulated against the mattress with greater urgency as her visions went on. His stiffened cock nudged her derrière as she moved, and suddenly, the sensation pulled her from fantasy into the waking world, where she heard her own whimper of need.

Taking stock, her ears tuned in to Nicholas’s even breathing over her own hitched sounds. His arm, lax, banded around her still. He was asleep, but…

I didn’t dreamthat.

His thick erection was insistent, pressing eagerly against her rear.

Her need for him hadn’t gone away during the past month; it had simply been held in check. The hunger had grown and grown while loss had anesthetized her, but she was aware of it now and couldn’t ignore it any longer. All the arousal pulsing in her quim and nipples was real, but unlike in her fantasy world, Nicholas didn’t fill her.

The aching emptiness frustrated her, and it persisted, even as she slipped her experienced finger between her slick folds and stroked her clit—especiallywhen she did so.

Nicholas shifted restlessly against her back, then froze. “Are you—?”

Sleep roughened his deep voice, and his words morphed into a groan when his hand sought hers, finding it busy between her thighs.

She rolled onto her back, and his mouth was warm on her neck. His hand trailed over hers and down past her damp red thatch of hair. He gasped when his fingers discovered her wet cleft. Needing his touch, her hand fell away, yielding to his magic over her.

His mouth moved to her breast with a hungry sound. He didn’t tease, didn’t tarry. His knowing tongue laved her nipple just so; his finger coaxed her clit unremittingly. He knew she was close, ravenous, and needed to come.

The pleasurable sensations were vicious and unsatisfying, revealing that what she craved was so close, yet so far away. She stretched a hand toward his groin, nearly growling in frustration when his hardness was just out of reach. He shifted until she could close her hand over him, and when she did, his mouth broke its suckle for a moment, just as his finger paused on her engorged clit.

Helen made a ragged, begging sound and squeezed him in her fist. He throbbed against her palm, just as the ring of muscle around her opening tightened around emptiness.

He moved over her in an instant, his knees spreading her thighs, making her moan loudly in the quiet bedchamber. “Yes,” she urged, already guiding his tip home.

Joining their bodies made everything right. He filled her,finally, shifting over her, and when he moved within her, she knew that nothing short of all of him could have fulfilled her tonight.

His thrusts were as raw as the sounds they both made—not punishing, not rough, but hard and unrelenting. When she raised her knees up by his ribcage, his hand pressed against one of her thighs until one leg draped over his shoulder, and the deeper penetration stole her breath.

This,thisis what she’d needed. Soon her fingers pressed into the flare of his biceps as she came, followed by his broken cries while he poured his heart and seed into her.

Nicholas pulled her onto his heaving chest after, and they both lay panting. She reached up and stroked his damp brow until their breath calmed and her eyelashes fluttered a few times, slumber once again claiming her.

When she woke next, it was she who reclined on her back and Nicholas whose head was on her chest. Quite specifically, his lips rubbed over her nipple. She wasn’t certain whether a sultry dream had preceded her current arousal, but as she emerged from sleep, she was carried away on a tide of need, one that had started before her eyes opened.

The rising sun glowed faintly behind the draperies; in the dim, almost otherworldly light, she watched Nicholas lick her peak again and again until it shone, then move to the other side. After a few minutes, she pulled at him desperately, needing his mouth on hers.
