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We drive for a little while until Ford pulls off into an industrial estate. He finds a quiet side road and stops the car. Winters rummages through the glove compartment and finds a bottle of water. He tosses it into the back.

I watch as my brother opens the car door and hold his hands over the pavement so he can wash them. My stomach feels like a ship caught in a stormy ocean. Zeke has to be okay. Not just for us, but because he has two girls at home that need him. Bailey is going to lose her shit when she finds out what happened. She understands this life better than most, having grown up in an MC, but this is still going to gut her.

As Kane finishes washing his hands, his phone starts ringing. Shaking his wet hands, he pulls it out and hands it to me. “I can’t speak to him right now.”

I glance at the name on screen.


Fuck, our father is the last person I want to speak to right now, but he might know something that can help us find fucking Wood. I swipe the screen and answer the call.

“Is Kane okay?” he asks without preamble.

The question doesn’t surprise me. All my father’s ever cared about is his heir. He has put all his effort into Kane as his successor and training him to become the head of the family. “It’s your other son who is bleeding all over the parking garage.”

Anthony sounds impatient as he says, “I already know Zeke is being taken care of. I spoke to Malone. They are on their way to the hospital, and there are police everywhere. It’s going to take a fuck of a lot to smooth this over.”

My father’s politicking doesn’t interest me, and I don’t care how he gets around the law. My only priority is my brother and whether he’s still breathing. He didn’t look good when we left him. “Keep me updated about Zeke.”

“As soon as I know anything, I’ll tell you. This had to be Wood’s men.”

No shit. “Kane and I will deal with that cunt.” I can’t stop the rasp of anger that is threaded through my voice. I want to ask if Charlotte is happy she’s caused this, but it doesn’t matter. The fact is that we are here, and we have to deal with the fallout. “I have to go. Make sure you call Bailey as soon as you know the situation with Zeke.” My parents are so wrapped up in themselves I wouldn’t put it past them to forget Zeke’s wife even exists.

“I’ll make sure she’s taken care of. Where are you and Kane now?”

“On our way to pay Jeremiah Wood a visit.”

“Absolutely not. You come back here and we’ll come up with proper plan.”

He is deluded if he thinks that’s going to happen. “You and Charlotte created this fucking mess. Kane and I will clean it up.”

I end the call and hand the phone back to my brother, who asks, “What did he want?”

“To make sure his heir is still breathing.” I don’t tell him about the rest because there is no point. Kane is never going to side with our father on this. Someone came at our family, and that has to be paid for with blood.

“Fucking prick.” Kane lets out a displeased sound from the back of his throat. I don’t blame him. Our father has always shown a disregard for the rest of us. None more so than Zeke. “We need to find Wood. We need to bleed that motherfucker dry.”

We head to a safe house in the middle of our territory and lay low for a few hours while Parker Weston, Talia’s father and Antony’s lieutenant, tries to locate where Wood is holed up. Kane sits on the beat-up sofa in the living room, playing absently with a knife while I call around every contact we have.

My phone rings and I answer it. I’m going out of my mind sitting here doing fuck all while Wood runs around free. I’m not a man who is built to sit on his arse. “Speak.”

Parker Weston lets out a sigh on the phone before he says, “We found that fucker.”

“Where?” I demand.

He doesn’t speak for a moment. “Your father has expressly forbid us to retaliate yet.”

I let out a string of curses, frustrated more than anything. “Fuck what my father wants. This cunt directly attacked us. The Fraser syndicate is not so weak that it does not fight back when we are attacked.”

There is silence again. “I agree. It makes us look like easy targets. But your father was explicit in his command.”

“Then give me the details and Kane and I will go ourselves. I will not allow that bastard to get away with hurting Zeke and firebombing our business. The time has come now to show strength.”

Weston seems like he wants to give me the information, but he knows my father will be unhappy if he does. Pissing off Anthony Fraser is never a good idea, though Kane and I do it routinely.

Weston reels off an address. “I’m coming with you and I’m bringing men. Your father will be less forgiving of my betrayal if you end up dead.”

He hangs up the phone. I grin to myself. I’ve known Weston since I was a boy. He’s been at my father’s side forever, one of his most trusted advisers. He is right when he says my father will see this as a betrayal, but Kane and I will protect Weston as much as we can from my father’s wrath.
