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Iscared her. I can tell by the way her eyes dart around the kitchen as I order her onto a stool at the breakfast bar. She tries to hide her fear though. I admire that. It takes a lot of strength and courage to face things head on, and Elena strikes me as the kind of woman who does that.

I go to the cabinet on the wall, the one where I keep the first aid kit. I’ve done my share of home surgeries over the years while waiting for one of the doctors we have on our books or my cousin Gemma to patch me up.

Elena makes sure she waits on the other side of the breakfast bar that spans the centre of the kitchen. If she thinks it will protect her, she’s mistaken.

I watch as she eyes me like I’m live ammunition. Good. I want her on edge around me. She’s less likely to be a problem if she’s unsure of what I might do.

I shouldn’t be cleaning her up for that reason.

I should have sent her home, scraped up, hurt, and not given a second thought to it.

This is too much, too close. It’s letting down too many walls. I can’t allow it.

I also can’t send her away.

“Sit,” I order.

She mutters something under her breath that I don’t catch, but she does sit, scraping the stool across the tiles as she drags it away from the counter. I give her a dark look, but she doesn’t seem to notice, or care.

Pulling out the first aid kit, I move over to her. Carefully, I open it out on the counter top.

Her eyes widen. “Expecting trouble?”

I’m well stocked. I have everything I need to deal with anything ranging from a car accident to a serious stabbing.

I huff out a breath. “My life is dangerous, Elena. Considering who your father is, I would have thought you’d know that.” I lay a towel on the counter and direct her hands, palm up, onto it. She complies, even as she shoots daggers at me.

“Less than an hour ago I was shot at by someone undoubtedly trying to kill me, Kane. Believe me, I know how dangerous this life is.”

Her voice drips with sarcasm. From anyone else it would have rendered me apoplectic. I would have wrapped my hands around their neck and squeezed until the lights dimmed in their eyes. I should want to do that Elena, yet I don’t. I don’t understand why not either.

“That should not have happened,” I tell her as I pull out a small bottle of saline. I take her hand in mine. Her skin is soft. I can’t stop from running my fingers over her in circles. The need to touch her is overwhelming.

Her chest starts to heave as I continue my path across the top of her palm, careful to avoid where she is grazed. “What are you—”

“Quiet,” I order.

Anger that she was hurt rises in my belly, threatening to erupt like an unsuspecting volcano. I want to destroy things. I want to scream and yell. This shouldn’t have happened. I was right about that. My enemies got too close to not only the woman I’m about to make mine, but also my sister and sisters-in-law. It was a pre-emptive strike against my family, though from whom?

There is a list of organisations who despise us, but few brave enough to come against us. Perhaps they have grown balls considering what is on the horizon. My wedding to Elena Adams changes the playing field in our world, and not for the better of many. It will give us power. It will make us untouchable. We have surrounded ourselves with allies that will stand with us should the worst happen. The Untamed Sons MC through my sister-in-law Bailey, the Eastons—although begrudgingly—through Luke’s wife, Sariah, and now the Adams through my wife-to-be.

It made us gods. There were only a handful of other organisations strong enough to stand against us now. The Woods are one, but they are in the midst of a civil war after I murdered their leader, Jeremiah, for taking my sister and sister-in-law Sariah. They are not in a position to threaten us.

Not yet.

I do not doubt when the dust settles, and they have picked their new leader, they will come at us hard.

We’ll be ready.

We’re always ready.

Heavy is the head that wears the crown…

The only organisations who could have stood against us are the Blackwoods or the Farleys, but both syndicates are gone too. The Blackwoods were taken out by the Sons, the Farleys by the Sons and my family. It’s a puzzle.
