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The wedding party isn’t for me or for Kane. My father and Charlotte and Anthony Fraser are using it to network, moving from person to person, gaining favours and creating new deals. I don’t even know who most of the guests are. I sit at the head table, Kane next to me, wondering if it would be rude to get up and leave. I want desperately to talk to my sister, but she’s at the other end of the top table, too far to have the private talk I need.

The wedding ceremony had been quick. Awful really. All that promising to obey shit was enough to have me rolling my eyes. But it was the kiss at the end that has me so sullen.

I don’t know what I expected.

Him to tip me back and kiss me breathless?

That was never going to happen. We don’t know each other and neither of us wants to be here today, but I expected…


Disappointment nips at my heels as our meals are brought out. I just have to get through the wedding breakfast and then I can avoid him. It’s clear he wants nothing to do with me, and that’s fine by me.

I hate this stupid tradition of sitting down for a formal meal. Worse, there will be speeches and the first dance.

I let out a breath as I push my fork around my plate. The meal looks beautiful. It clearly has been made by a top-class chef. I haven’t managed more than a mouthful.

“Why aren’t you eating?”

Kane’s voice makes me jolt in my seat. I snap my eyes towards him. He doesn’t look concerned, but annoyed.

What the fuck does he have to be pissy about?

“I’m not hungry.”

“It doesn’t look good you sitting there with a full plate.”

“So you don’t give a shit that I’m not eating, just how it looks?”

He stares at me. I have to remind myself this man is a killer. He can destroy me if he chooses. I shouldn’t push his buttons, but I swear he brings the monster out in me too. The bratty one that wants to push him to the edge just to see what he’ll do.

“Just eat your food,” he says.

I drop my fork and turn to face him fully. “We might be married but that doesn’t mean you get to boss me about.”

He lifts his gaze around the room, as if checking if anyone is watching us. “Do you plan on fighting me on everything?”

“I’m not sure yet.”

His lips curve into a grimace. “I won’t have our marriage be endless combat.”

“Then don’t piss me off,” I mutter.

He grabs my wrist under the table, squeezing. He’s not trying to hurt me, at least I don’t think so, but get my attention and keep it. It works because my eyes are firmly locked on his. “Maybe it’s you who shouldn’t piss me off, little girl.”

The bite in his tone does what he intends. It makes shivers clamour up my spine. I have to remember who Kane Fraser really is.

A killer.

A monster.

The devil in a suit.

I don’t get a free pass because I’m his wife, but I can’t stop my tongue from running whenever I’m around him.
