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“That’s exactly what we bought when we paid for you.”

My cheeks heat at the way she talks about me like I’m a common whore. “You didn’t pay for me—”

“Oh darling, don’t be so naive. You are a business transaction, and I expect to get a good return on you.” She’s inches from my face now, her eyes scanning mine as she gives me a smug smirk that makes me want to smack her. “Don’t look so upset, Elena. You knew this is what you were getting into.”

“The deal was I marry your son.”

“Yes, and you did that beautifully.” She picks up a piece of my hair, running it through her fingers. A shiver runs up my spine and my body suddenly feels cold. “You really are the perfect bride. My son is a lucky man. But make no mistake, you have privilege now too. You belong to the most powerful man in London. If you hope to lead him around by his balls, you will be disappointed. He is in control. You are just the pretty little doll on his arm. Don’t forget it.”

Her words make red film over my eyes. Who the hell does she think she’s talking to? “Fuck you.”

Her eyes flare, and I feel fear at the look in them. She would kill me in a heartbeat if it served her purpose. I step back, trying to put some distance between me and this threat, and she absolutely is one.

The basins behind me jam against the base of my spine, stopping me from retreating further.

“I’ve told your doctor you will not be coming for your shot, or any other form of birth control,” Charlotte informs me. “If you seek out another physician, I will murder your entire family. Do I make myself clear?”

She says all of this with a fucking creepy smile on her face that honestly scares me more than if she’d shouted. My chest heaves as I fail to get air passed the clogging sensation in my throat. I’ve never been scared of anyone. As Hamish Adams’ daughter, my life has always been protected.

In this moment, I realise my father threw me into a den of wolves.

One that will devour me piece by piece.

I can already feel Charlotte tearing at my body.

“If you think you can control me, you’re wrong,” I breathe out the words.

“You belong to my family now, little girl, and you will do exactly what is expected of you. You will make my son happy, you will give us heirs, and you will know your place. You won’t like the consequences if you don’t do as you are told.”

I stare at her, feeling anxiety work up my spine. My father has a long reach, but it is nothing compared to that of the Frasers. I have no doubt that Charlotte could destroy my entire world in the space between breakfast and lunch.

She reaches for me, and it takes everything I have not to flinch as she tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear. It’s an oddly kind gesture.

“You should hurry up. The first dance will be soon.”

I watch as she walks out of the bathroom, my fingers pressing against my throat. That woman is a snake. I need to watch out for her.

I compose myself, fixing my dress, my hair, checking my makeup. Then I raise my head and make my way out to the main reception hall for my first dance with Kane.
